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8 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />AGREEMENT AND CONSENT OF NORFOLK SOUTHERN <br />RAILWAY COMPANY <br />HIv-so <br />WI~REAS, Company, Licensee, and NSR desire to enter into the attached Agreement regarding <br />the property described therein (the "Premises"). <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and the promises and agreements <br />contained herein, as well as for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, NSR, Company, and Licensee agree as follows: <br />1. NSR gives its consent to the Agreement pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Consent. All <br />of the terms of this Consent are hereby incorporated by reference into the Agreement. The term <br />"NSR" as used in this Agreement and Consent and as used in the Agreement shall include NSR's <br />officers, agents and employees, and any parent company, subsidiary or affiliate of NSR and their <br />officers, agents and employees. <br />2. The parties agree and understand that any right or claim of Company held in or by virtue of the <br />Agreement shall also inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by NSR or by any successor or <br />assignee of Company or NSR, and NSR shall not be responsible for any obligations, duties or <br />indemnities of Company to Licensee under the Agreement. NSR reserves any pre-existing rights, <br />claims and defenses against Company and Licensee and said rights, claims and defenses shall not <br />be waived or limited in any way by the Agreement. <br />Licensee understands that NSR makes no warranties or representations regarding the condition of <br />or title to the Premises. Licensee takes the Premises "AS IS" and expressly waives any and all <br />claims against NSR relating to or arising from the condition of or title to the Premises and the <br />property surrounding the Premises, including without limitation, any claims and costs relating to <br />environmental contamination under any applicable laws (such as, without limitation, those which <br />might arise under CERCLA, RCRA, and the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous <br />Substances Act). <br />4. Without the written consent of NSR, (i) neither the Agreement nor this Consent may be assigned <br />in whole or in part by Company or Licensee; (ii) Licensee shall not enter into any sublicense or <br />sublease of the Premises; and (iii) the Agreement shall not be amended by Company or Licensee. <br />No consent by NSR to any sublease, sublicense, assignment, or amendment of the Agreement <br />shall be construed to be consent to any further sublease, sublicense, assignment, or amendment of <br />the Agreement. <br />5. In consideration of the rights granted by NSR to Licensee by this Consent, Licensee agrees to <br />indemnify and hold NSR harmless to the same extent as Company is indemnified and held <br />harmless pursuant to the Agreement. In addition, without limiting the indemnities provided in the <br />Agreement, Licensee specifically shall indemnify and hold harmless NSR from and against any <br />and all attorney"s fees, costs, expenses, liabilities, injuries, claims (including third party claims <br />and any claims under any environmental laws and regulations such as CERCLA, RCRA, and the <br />North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act) and damages arising from <br />or related to (1) the Agreement; {2) any acts or omissions by Licensee at or near the Premises, {3) <br />Licensee's violations of environmental laws and regulations, and (4) environmental contamination <br />caused by Licensee. For purposes of this paragraph, the term Licensee shall mean its officers, <br />employees, agents, contractors, guests or invitees. <br />6. NSR must be given at least thirty (30) days notice prior to the placement of any equipment, <br />structure, facility, fixture, or other improvement on the Premises other than those permitted by the <br />Agreement. <br />1 212446.w.mod 02042003 <br />{ <br />