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13 <br />~-so <br />15. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon sixty (60} days written <br />notice to the other party. During said sixty (60) day period, Licensee shall remove the Facilities from <br />Company's premises and restore said premises to a condition satisfactory to Company's chief engineering <br />officer. If Licensee fails to remove the Facilities within the aforesaid sixty day period, Company may <br />elect: (a) to become the owner of the Facilities without any claim or consideration whatsoever therefor by <br />or to Licensee, its successors or assigns, or (b) to remove the Facilities and all property of Licensee from <br />the premises of Company at the expense of Licensee. Licensee agrees to reimburse Company for any and <br />ail costs of such removal upon receipt of an invoice. No termination of this Agreement shall affect any <br />liability incurred by either party hereto prior to the effective date of such termination. <br />16. This Agreement shall take effect as of the day of , 20 <br />17. The terms set forth in the attached Ezhibit B, consisting of two pages and titled <br />"Agreement and Consent of Norfolk Southern Railway Company," are incorporated into this Agreement <br />as if set forth verbatim herein. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in triplicate, <br />each part being an original, as of the day of , 20 <br />COMPANY: <br />NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY <br />By: _ <br />Title: <br />LICENSEE: <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />By: <br />Title: <br />NSR: <br />NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY <br />By: <br />Title: <br />4 050903B <br />