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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 3, 2011 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~- ' h <br />SUBJECT: Central Efland/North Buckhorn Sewer Extension Project -Railroad Right-of- <br />Way Occupancy Licenses <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) 0 <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. License Agreement for Western <br />Efland Occupancy <br />2. License Agreement for East Efland <br />Occupancy <br />3. License Agreement for North <br />Buckhorn Occupancy <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Craig Benedict, Planning, 245-2592 <br />Kevin Lindley, Planning, 245-2583 <br />PURPOSE: To approve acquiring an occupancy license in the railroad right-of-way for three <br />sections of sewer line in the upcoming Central Efland and Northern Buckhorn sewer extension <br />projects. <br />BACKGROUND: The Central Efland and Northern Buckhorn sewer extension projects are <br />currently in the permitting stage with the State's Construction Grants and Loans Division. <br />Because portions of these two projects will be constructed in the railroad right-of-way, it is <br />necessary to obtain occupancy licenses for each section of sewer line that falls within the <br />railroad right-of-way. There are three sections of the sewer line extension project that needed <br />licenses, two in the Efland community and one in the Buckhorn community. <br />Application for these licenses has been made and the railroad has approved the three <br />occupancy licenses, pending payment of the one-time fees for each license. These three <br />license agreements are provided at Attachments 1, 2, and 3 of this abstract. The license fees <br />are determined based on a formula which includes the total length of line in the right-of-way, the <br />number of manholes and other factors. Final payment of the one-time fee and final approval of <br />the licenses from the railroad is required as part of the permitting processes. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: In addition to a $200 application fee for each occupancy license, the one- <br />time fee for the three occupancy licenses is as follows: Western Efland occupancy license - <br />$23,931; East Efland occupancy license - $14,166; and North Buckhorn occupancy license - <br />$9,549. These funds are currently available in the Efland sewer project account. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the acquisition of the <br />occupancy licenses and authorize the County Manager to sign the occupancy license <br />applications on behalf of Orange County. <br />