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2 <br />design review delays required the bridge fabrication release of approximately 169 calendar <br />days, impacting the general construction schedule and delaying the project's completion. <br />ARRA requires that NCDOT administer fund reimbursements for all of its awarded projects. <br />NCDOT is administering these projects in accordance with its standard published Construction <br />guidelines. In accordance with these guidelines, NCDOT requires that all projects be staffed by <br />a Resident Project Representative that must be present during all of the construction activities <br />for inspections, reporting and engineering supervision of the project. The NCDOT ARRA <br />Project Requirements-Local Municipal Requirements Memorandum dated February 8, 2010 <br />(Attachment C) states that Contract Administrator inspections "must be performed whenever <br />Contractor is working at all times". This level of on-site supervision is not customary with <br />County projects, but is required in this instance to receive the ARRA reimbursement funds. <br />Staff will continue to inspect the work and related charges invoiced by CJT through the <br />completion of the project. It has been noted that this level of CA oversight and the associated <br />additional cost to taxpayers may be excessive ("i.e. a concrete greenway trail built according to <br />the same oversight as a Federally funded highway project). However, it is required as part of <br />the ARRA funds' administrative requirements. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The additional amount for these services is not to exceed $25,875, and <br />will be paid for out of the budgeted contingency funds within the Capital Project. ARRA funds <br />will reimburse the County up to $429,457 of the contracted $498,992.40 General Construction <br />Contract with McQueen Construction, provided that the County follow the NCDOT project <br />administration requirements. Should the Board not approve this amendment for <br />required services, the County may not be eligible for reimbursement up to the $429,457 <br />amount since it would be in violation of the NCDOT project administration guidelines. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board authorize the Manager to sign <br />the Contract Amendment not to exceed $25,875 for Contract Administration Services with <br />Coulter, Jewell, Thames, PA for the Twin Creeks Greenway Project as required by NCDOT as <br />Contract Administrator for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA") funds. <br />