Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 3, 2011 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~' <br />SUBJECT: Contract Amendment for Engineering and Construction Administration Services <br />for Twin Creeks Greenway <br />DEPARTMENT: Asset Management, Planning PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Attachment A: Budget <br />Attachment B: Professional Services Letter of <br />Amendment to an Existing <br />Contract Dated 2/7/2011 <br />Attachment C: NCDOT Memo Regarding <br />ARRA Project Requirements <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, Asset Management, <br />919-245-2652 <br />Jeff Thompson, Asset Management, <br />919-245-2658 <br />Karen Lincoln, Planning, 919-245-2580 <br />PURPOSE: To consider approval of the Contract Amendment not to exceed a total of $25,875 <br />for additional Contract Administration Services with Coulter, Jewell, Thames, PA ("CJT") for the <br />Twin Creeks Greenway Project as specifically required by the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation (NCDOT) as Contract Administrator for American Recovery and Reinvestment <br />Act ("ARRA") funds. <br />BACKGROUND: On June 27, 2006, the BOCC also awarded a professional services contract <br />to Coulter, Jewell, Thames, PA for design and construction administration services for Twin <br />Creeks Phase 1. This original contract includes $25,000 for Contract Administration ("CA") <br />services provided by the Designer of the project. <br />On December 7, 2009, the Board authorized a bid award in the amount of $498,992.40 to <br />McQueen Construction of Bahama, NC for the construction of the .62 mile Twin Creeks <br />greenway project within the Twin Creeks Park site near Morris Grove Elementary School. This <br />construction began in the spring of 2010 and is currently scheduled to be completed in the <br />spring of 2011. Attachment A illustrates the budget originally distributed as an attachment for <br />the December 7, 2009 construction bid award abstract. <br />In December 2009, the County was awarded reimbursement of up to $429,457 of this project <br />cost from the Federal Government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act <br />("ARRA") program funds. These funds will supplement the existing budget attached. <br />On February 16, 2010, the BOCC approved a contract amendment for CJT's services to fulfill <br />the required NCDOT oversight in an amount not to exceed $106,400. Due to prolonged <br />NCDOT review of the project's bridge element (designed and reviewed according to NCDOT <br />standards), this required oversight service will likely exceed the amended amount of $106,400. <br />CJT's request for the additional not-to-exceed amount of $25,875 addresses this delay (note <br />Attachment B, "Professional Services Contract Amendment dated 2R/2011 "). The bridge <br />