Orange County NC Website
into the transition area so there is no objection from Carrboro or Chapel Hill to help finance the <br />improvements. He feels that sewer service should not be financed. <br />NOTE: Commissioner Carey left at 9:30 p.m. <br />It was decided that staff would take each scenario and list the pros and cons for each one. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the policy of allowing only Orange County residents to use the landfill <br />is being enforced and if something could be done to improve enforcement. <br />The County Commissioners decided to keep November 20th open for another work session on solid <br />waste management. <br />The staff will provide additional information on developing a transfer station. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis would like to discuss community benefits at the November 20th meeting. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames showed on a map of the Orange County Landfill Study Area what each <br />area represented with reference to water lines - existing and nonexistent. He noted that the well at the <br />Kirschner residence is the only one that is contaminated. <br />Commissioner Brown said that if all the wells in the area were checked for contaminates, it would give <br />the County Commissioners the data on which decisions could be made for running water lines. <br />With regard to #11 in the "Report of the Landfill Owners Group/Landfill Neighbors Working Group" the <br />Board agreed to use the normal JPA process for considering their options for the planning boundary between <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />With regard to #12, there was no consensus on the use of the present Eubanks Road landfill. <br />Commissioner Brown would be interested in having a small park in this neighborhood. The only thing that <br />needs further study is a portion of the Greene Tract. <br />There was no consensus on #13 for there not to be an expansion of the disposal areas for <br />Construction and Demolition materials. <br />With regard to #1 and #2 about community benefits, the County Commissioners agreed that if any of <br />the wells are contaminated, something needs to be done. Commissioner Brown would like to see some <br />money set aside to address problems as they arise. They will discuss this further at their November 20 <br />meeting. <br />The Board agreed not to consider sewer extension. <br />3 CLOSED SESSION _ PERSONNEL MATTER <br />This item was delayed. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15. The next <br />regular meeting of the Board will be held on October 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the OWASA Operation Facility at 400 <br />Jones Ferry Road in Carrboro, North Carolina. <br />William L. Crowther, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk