Orange County NC Website
Open to technology and new recycling efforts <br />Board of County Commissioners directly responsible <br />No advisory board <br />Enterprise <br />SCENARIO #5 <br />Tweak LOG model <br />Pursue majority of jurisdictions <br />Not total consensus on important issues - no one has to agree <br />Enterprise <br />SCENARIO #6 <br />Ask Carrboro or Hillsborough to operate and take the lead <br />Enterprise <br />OTHER SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS <br />Implement the solid waste plan, working back on the type of organization that will be needed. <br />All positions would be reviewed as the plan is implemented. <br />Look at new technology and new recycling efforts. <br />The County Commissioners need to be involved directly for the first few years and not have an <br />advisory board. <br />Have an advisory board with the County Commissioners being the policy and decision making body. <br />Continue with the existing LOG with an agreement that two out of three jurisdictions must agree on <br />issues which would be outlined. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that work on the interlocal agreement needs to stop until a decision is <br />made on the next steps. <br />Commissioner Carey feels the County needs to decide on which scenario to pursue. The cost will <br />depend on how many partners want to join in this effort. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the solid waste management plan sent to the state and <br />asked if it could be incorporated with scenario #1. Commissioner Carey said that he feels the plan sent to <br />the state is a good plan and if we have at least two entities doing it, the cost would be workable. There will be <br />debt for a MRF, transfer station, land, etc. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with Commissioner Carey that an advisory board may be a good idea <br />because citizens would trust a group like that rather than the five County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that providing water and sewer would cost 1.5 million. It would need to be <br />decided if this money would come from the users or funded by County revenues. <br />The County Commissioners agreed that the enterprise fund would need to be a significant part of any <br />plan they develop. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Greene Tract will need to be part of the assets. With regard to <br />employees, the County needs flexibility and should not agree on anything except treating people fairly in <br />accordance with what the law requires. <br />Commissioner Carey said that community benefits or any other benefits need to be supported <br />entirely by the enterprise fund and if it cannot because of legal reasons, then the County and the other <br />entities would need to negotiate how it would be paid. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the map in the packet. He feels that if water is going to be <br />extended and it is determine there is a legitimate reason for extending water, that tract needs to be brought