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Commissioner Carey feels it would not be beneficial to be restricted by a lot of conditions if the <br />County takes over the solid waste management for Orange County. A decision as to whether or not we want <br />to just do something for the unincorporated area needs to be made. The County could then determine the <br />conditions for adding the municipalities as partners if they so desire. <br />John Link will provide an estimate of what the fixed cost will be if the percentage of recyclables <br />is increased and how the cost of community benefits would impact the fund balance. <br />d. Possible approaches for a future solid waste management facili <br />e. Further articulation on the disposition of the Greene Tract <br />Chair Crowther said that three options for solid waste management include (1) keeping the <br />LOG until the landfill is depleted, (2) agreeing with the interlocal agreement or (3) taking responsibility for <br />management of the County's solid waste. <br />Commissioner Carey likes the possibility of the County taking full responsibility for <br />implementing a new solid waste plan with the County being the lead entity responsible and inviting the <br />municipalities to participate. The county would be responsible for deciding the staffing, siting the facility if <br />they go with a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), and taking charge of all the assets. <br />Chair Crowther likes the idea of moving in that direction but only after the current landfill is full. <br />He feels this would allow adequate time for the County to develop and put a plan in place and allow time for <br />the other jurisdictions to decide if they want to participate. The County will have a mechanism to deal with <br />their own solid waste by building a MRF, a transfer station or another landfill within 5 to 7 years. He feels we <br />need to plan for taking care of the solid waste in unincorporated areas which is the County's only true <br />responsibility at this point. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that is where the County needs to start and then maybe invite <br />the municipalities as partners later in the process. <br />The Board developed several scenarios which are listed below: (taken from blackboard) <br />SCENARIO #1 <br />County responsibility countywide <br />Staff <br />Siting of MRF, Landfill, Transfer Station, etc. <br />Control of Assets <br />Seek Customers within Orange County <br />Advisory Board <br />Enterprise <br />SCENARIO #2 <br />Pursue #1 but have Chapel Hill operate present landfill for its life <br />County pursue #1 for new solid waste operations by year 2003 <br />Enterprise <br />SCENARIO #3 <br />Plan only for unincorporated areas of Orange County <br />Seek existing or new partnerships <br />Enterprise <br />SCENARIO #4 <br />Implement Solid Waste Plan <br />What would be required? <br />What organizational structure? <br />Staff? <br />Solid Waste Operations?