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A motion was made by Council member Chilton, seconded by Alderman McDuffee, to <br />approve this item, as written. <br />Vote: Motion Did Not Pass <br />ITEM ELEVEN (xi): This item reads as follows: The Landfill Owners Group will work with the Orange <br />County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro planning departments to sponsor a public information meeting <br />regarding the planning boundary (future annexation boundary) between Chapel Hill and Carrboro. A <br />"ballot" should be prepared identifying at least three options: <br />1. Leave the planning boundary as it is, along Rogers Road, <br />2. Move the planning boundary east, placing the entire Rogers Road neighborhood in <br />Carrboro's future annexation area. <br />3. Move the planning boundary west, placing the entire Rogers Road neighborhood in Chapel <br />Hill's future annexation area (see Hazen and Sawyer report for map). <br />Additional options may be identified and added to the ballot. All households in the area which <br />may potentially be shifted shall be given the opportunity to submit one ballot selecting their preferred <br />option. <br />The Working Group recommends that after the ballots have been tallied, the local <br />governments take the necessary action to adopt the option favored by a majority of local residents <br />within one year. If no single option is favored by a clear majority, the Working Group recommends <br />that no action be taken. <br />A motion was made by Alderman Zaffron, seconded by Alderman McDuffee, to approve as <br />written. <br />Council member Chilton stated that this was not a recommendation for a legal process. This <br />was created by the Work Group as an information process so that the neighbors could let the units of <br />government know of their preferences. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if agreeing to these recommendations would preclude creating a <br />special district sometime in the future. <br />County Attorney Gledhill stated that this does not preclude any type of joint planning decisions. <br />This area is currently a part of the joint planning area. This is an informal straw ballot which would be <br />circulated in the community. The results would not be binding. The decision could be changed by the <br />units of government only through their voting process. In his opinion, there is no legal problem with <br />this clause. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that the information from Cal Horton and Ralph Karpinos which <br />was directed to the Chapel Hill Town Council suggested using the normal process for gaining public <br />opinion about an issue (i.e. public hearings or forums). She suggested that if the ballot idea does not <br />pass, it would be possible to incorporate the idea of a public forum. <br />Alderman Zaffron stated that the process of public hearings mentioned by Commissioner <br />Gordon would be necessary to make changes to the Joint Planning Area. This clause is intended <br />only to gather information from the community. <br />Council member Chilton stated that this suggestion originated from a group of neighbors <br />regarding how they would like to pass their ideas onto their elected officials. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that it needs to be rewritten so that it does not appear to be <br />binding. <br />VOTE: Motion Did Not Pass <br />ITEM TEN (x): This item reads as follows: The Working Group recommends that Chapel Hill Transit <br />re-route the North-South connector bus line to serve Rogers Road on either its northbound or <br />southbound trip, starting with the 1998-1999 service year. For the duration of the 1997-1998 service