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Landfill Owners Group or its successor agency. This information should be made available to all <br />residents of the area. <br />A motion was made by Council member Chilton, seconded to Alderman Gist, to approve this <br />item as written. <br />VOTE: MOTION PASSED <br />ITEM THIRTEEN (xiii) This item reads as follows: The Working Group recommends that no <br />expansion (beyond the existing permitted disposal capacity) of the disposal areas (MSW or <br />Construction and Demolition) of the Eubanks Road landfill occur. <br />The Working Group recommends that the Landfill Owners Group or its successor make no <br />incremental land acquisitions at the Eubanks Road Landfill. <br />Council member Franck argued against the inclusion of the sentence which would deny the <br />County the right to make incremental land acquisitions for system purposes at the site of the existing <br />landfill. He felt that there would be benefits to the community by deleting this sentence. <br />Council member Chilton also disagreed with including this paragraph. The facility owner <br />needs to have the right to purchase additional land if it should be needed or if adjacent landowners <br />want to sell their property. <br />A motion was made by Alderman Gist, seconded by Alderman McDuffee, to adopt this item as <br />written. <br />VOTE: MOTION FAILED <br />ITEM TWELVE (xii): This item reads as follows: The Working Group recommends that following the <br />closure of The Eubanks Road landfill, portions of the landfill (as allowed by regulations), the Neville <br />tract, and at least 50 acres of the Green tract will be used for recreation facilities. <br />The Landfill Owners Group or its successor will appoint an advisory group to make specific <br />recommendations about the post-closure use of the landfill. This group will convene and make <br />recommendations at least two years prior to the expected closure of the Eubanks Road landfill. The <br />advisory group will be composed of LOG members, residents near the Eubanks Road landfill and <br />other Orange County citizens. <br />Council member Chilton stated that the park portion of this agreement is a strong moral <br />commitment to establish the park. The capped landfill may not be suitable for recreation purposes. <br />The use of the Greene Tract would be a way of fulfilling a moral commitment. <br />Council member Brown stated that she agreed that there is a moral commitment to a park but <br />she would like to have further clarification sometime in the future regarding where the park would <br />actually be sited. <br />Council member Chilton stated that the Neville tract would in all likelihood be greatly changed <br />by the time this portion of the agreement would go into effect. <br />Council member Brown stated that she supports this but has reservations about the wording. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that he also agreed with Council Member Brown's concerns. He <br />felt that the language was too restrictive. <br />Town Commissioner Chavious stated this during his investigation of other landfills that have <br />been turned into park sites it has been clear that they were not particularly satisfactory because of <br />gas emissions, unstable earth and sinkage problems. He wants to see a park in this area, however, <br />those problems need to be taken into account. <br />Council member Chilton stated that this agreement would not mandate a particular type of <br />park because of those very issues raised by Mr. Chavious. It could be that a golf driving range would <br />be the only possibility. That is why a portion of the Greene Tract is being suggested to fulfill this <br />recreation component. <br />Council member Brown pointed out that this item suggest using portions of the landfill as well.