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10 <br />Attorney Karpinos stated that this vote would not commit Chapel Hill funds at this point. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that he wanted to help Mr. Caldwell and his neighbors, but did <br />not feel the same way about helping the new developments in the area. He felt that this plan needs <br />additional attention. <br />Commissioner Brown stated that it is clear that everyone wants to do this but the Board of <br />Commissioners has not had an opportunity to look at this in enough detail. She suggested that they <br />adopt in principle that water services will be provided to this area. They need to understand its effect <br />on the Rural Buffer and other issues (i.e. annexation) before committing further. Also, the County <br />needs to thoroughly understand the fiscal implications of this. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that he is concerned that if he votes for the motion that the portion <br />not covered by the landfill fund would comply strictly with the formula in this document, i.e. the 43%- <br />43%-14% formula. <br />The original substitute motion made by Alderman Gist, and seconded by Alderman Zaffron, <br />was clarified as follows: Item One would be approved as written with the words "and sewer" deleted <br />and the properties included would be only #1 through 11 and 29 through 52 as listed in Table 1 of the <br />Hazel and Sawyer report dated October, 1997. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to table <br />this item to be returned to the Assembly of Governments no sooner than November 5 and no later <br />than December 15. <br />Council member Brown asked for a straw vote on Item 2 as presented in Alderman Gist's <br />motion. <br />Council member Wiggens stated that she supported the motion to table because she had the <br />expectations that the Boards would deal with this matter in a positive way at the next Assembly of <br />Government's meeting. She felt that Chapel Hill needed to consider the "just" thing to do here in an <br />area where they were willing to dispose of their garbage. Where the new landfill is located is not <br />relevant to this issue unless the offer of water was really appeasement. She requested the straw vote <br />be taken. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that he is not opposed to Orange County paying a portion, <br />however if the Town of Chapel Hill is not accepting responsibility here, then he is concerned. <br />Town Commissioner Lloyd indicated that she felt that it was very important that these people <br />be given water. <br />VOTE: Motion To Table Did Not Pass <br />The original motion made by Alderman Gist to pass this item with the exclusion of the words <br />"and sewer" and to include only the homes listed in Table #1 as 1 through 11 and 29 through 52, was <br />then considered. <br />Council member Chilton offered a friendly amendment to Alderman Gist's motion, He referred <br />to the second paragraph where it says that the remaining costs of these improvements shall be <br />divided among the owners of the Orange Regional Landfill and then it defines a basis for doing that. <br />He suggested that it be changed to read "in a manner consistent with North Carolina Law. He <br />suggested that would have everyone agree in principle that the burden be shared. That would also <br />exclude Hillsborough from the responsibility. In the first paragraph he suggested that language be <br />included that say "to the extent that the area is in the Rural Buffer, transition or annexation areas of <br />Chapel Hill or Carrboro or that it is in the potential Landfill leakage impact area." He was making a <br />statement that would have it be clear that there is an, as yet, undefined potential landfill leakage area. <br />We could just say that we are going to extend it to those people. It would be consistent with the Rural <br />Buffer because it addresses a potential public health problem. <br />This addition to the motion was accepted by Alderman Gist. <br />Alderman Zaffron asked if in order for this to occur it would be necessary to make changes to <br />the Joint Planning Area Agreement.