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will be walls and quiet space on both sides of the walls. She asked about the ramp and was told that it <br />was not going to be eliminated. <br />Runyon Woods, local architect and member of the planning committee, said that this is the <br />best plan for the people who will be occupying this building. This building will be pleasant and easy to <br />work with. He supports this plan. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the final plans as presented for the Skill Development Center and to authorize the dissolution of <br />the Facilities Development Task Force. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. PERSONNEL ORDINANCE REVISION - RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes explained this revision. It would extend the eligibility for <br />retiree health insurance on a prorated basis to employees with at least five years Orange County service <br />who are (1) retiring at age 65 or older or (2) retiring on a disability retirement. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that this item be delayed until the October 30 work session. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to adopt <br />the amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance effective September 1, 1997 as presented <br />and as attached to these minutes on page <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Gordon because she felt that this item should not be done <br />adhoc but should be considered at the work session on employee benefits scheduled for October 30) <br />Note: This will be brought back at the next meeting because an amendment to an ordinance must <br />be approved unanimously on the first vote in order to become effective. <br />E. UNIVERSITY MANOR PHASE III - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />This item was deleted from the agenda. <br />F. SOUTHERN HUMAN SERVICES CENTER -APPROVE CHANGE ORDER AND PROVIDE <br />FUNDS FOR LEFT TURN LANE <br />John Link explained the situation that caused the necessity of this change order for the <br />construction of a left turn lane at the Southern Human Services Center. He noted that the construction <br />of this turn lane is a requirement of the Town of Chapel Hill . The Homestead road widening project <br />would have included a turn lane, but DOT does not have the project scheduled until a later year, too late <br />to satisfy the Chapel Hill requirement. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed disappointed with DOT for not doing this work. He asked <br />that a letter be written letting them know we protest their decision. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Chair Crowther to approve the <br />change order for $83,248 to construct the left lane; and authorize appropriation of funds from the Capital <br />Reserve Fund Balance. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />G. PROPOSED OWASA REVISIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY LAKE WATER AND SEWER <br />EXTENSION POLICY <br />The County Commissioners were requested by OWASA to provide comments to proposed <br />revisions to its University Lake Water and Sewer Extension Policy. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to request <br />that County staff do an analysis of the implications of these changes to the County's ordinances, to write <br />a letter to OWASA asking for additional time to respond to their request and to table this item until that <br />information is received. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS