Minutes - 19970825
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19970825
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9/5/2013 9:13:32 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:32:53 PM
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Agenda - 08-25-1997
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appropriate. It is a good idea to specify that renovations would address pre-1990 schools or schools that <br />have not been built with bond money since 1988. <br />Commissioner Brown indicated that she wanted to make sure that the $7.8 Million does not <br />diminish, in any way, Chapel Hills $3 Million or Orange County's $4.8 Million. If agreement could be <br />reached to lump together for this bond the $7.8 Million for the Capital renovations that would be the best <br />way to go about it. <br />Commissioner Gordon commented that it could be stated that the $7.8 Million would go into the <br />CIP revenue stream to be used for renovating the schools, or the exact uses of the entire amount could <br />be established. <br />County Manager John Link stated that the Board of Commissioners could stress that the total <br />amount of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system would be $24 Million Dollars and the Orange County system <br />would receive $23 Million. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that the fact that Orange County would receive $4.8 Million for <br />renovations compared to Chapel Hill-Carrboro's amount of $3 Million needed to be justified to the public. <br />Citizens will have questions that need to be answered concerning the rationale for this allocation, since <br />the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system is the larger system. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon that the countywide school renovations money <br />should be used for schools built before 1990 and that the amount should be $7.8 million. <br />The motion died for lack of a second. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to list the <br />breakdown for the school systems as presented and stated below: <br />SCHOOLS - POTENTIAL PROJECTS <br />Chapel Hill/Carrboro $24 million <br />• New Middle School $18.0 million <br />• Expansion-East Chapel Hill $3.0 million <br />High <br />• Renovations $3.0 million <br />Orange County $23 million <br />• New Elementary School $5.7 million <br />• New High School $12.5 million <br />• Renovations $4.8 million <br />VOTE: AYES, 3 NAYE, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />County Manager John Link stated that the total amount for each school system is $24 Million for <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and $23 Million for the Orange County schools. The actual cost of <br />specific projects may change according to the bids received. It is important to stress the total amount for <br />each school system. Secondly, since the $3 Million and $4.8 Million for renovations are already <br />incorporated into the C.I.P., along with other pay-as-you-go funds, it might be most effective to keep the <br />bond package as it has been presented. Then the education campaign could stress that the renovation <br />money that has been allocated is not nearly enough to cover the needed renovations. <br />Commissioner Gordon felt that it was important to be able to justify the amounts to the citizens as <br />to why one school system is receiving more money per pupil than the other system. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to approve <br />the Bond Order authorizing the issuance of General Obligation School Bonds of Orange County, North <br />Carolina, in the maximum amount of $47,000,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS
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