Orange County NC Website
The County Commissioners approved a capital project ordinance for the East Chapel Hill <br />High School addition project as stated below: <br />Revenue <br />State of North Carolina School bonds $ 10,995,840 <br />Impact Fees 804,160 <br />Appropriation <br />East Chapel Hill High School Addition $ 11,800,000 <br />E. ORANGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT RENEWAL <br />This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />F. ELDERLY AND DISABLED TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the Certified Statement of participation <br />in the NCDOT Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program. The allocation for Orange <br />County is $32,861. <br />G. PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS <br />Name Account Nbr. Amount Refunded <br />Randall Ames Brown B59420 $ 14.80 <br />Wachovia Auto Leasing Co. of NC E8187 450.89 <br />Mitsubishi Motors Credit of America B67263 279.77 <br />Mitsubishi Motors Credit of America C74387 255.16 <br />Cuddington William Henry E407 75.00 <br />John William Spitzer C30608 53.68 <br />John William Spitzer D24422 5440 <br />Gulnara Trauco D75159 339.42 <br />H. PROPERTY TAX RELEASES <br />The County Commissioners approved the releases as presented and as attached to these <br />minutes on pages <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />C. TRIANGLE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION <br />SHAPING ORANGE COUNTY'S FUTURE <br />The County Commissioners considered a grant application to the Triangle Community <br />Foundation for the Shaping Orange County's Future project. Planner David Stancil said that the work <br />would be done by the Planning Staff including himself and the person funded by all three jurisdictions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the submission of the grant application on behalf of the Shaping Orange County's Future <br />project. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />E. Orange PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT RENEWAL <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the Triangle Transit Authority could help provide <br />transportation funding or passenger vans. John Link said that he will meet with the TTA Director and <br />pursue this effort. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the FY97-98 OPT Agreements for Vehicle Lease, Driver Assignments, <br />and Taxi providers with the human service agencies and taxi firms. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA