Minutes - 19970820
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19970820
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/5/2013 9:07:57 AM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:32:44 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 08-20-1997
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 11
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 5a
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Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 6a
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Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8a
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Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 8h
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
Agenda - 08-20-1997 - 9a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1997\Agenda - 08-20-1997
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Harvey Goldstein said that the school board is in support of the bond issue. Because they have <br />had to spend most of their CIP money on new schools, renovation needs have not been met. He made <br />reference to the $3 million for East Chapel Hill High School. He said that their first estimate was based <br />on $98 per square foot which they quickly realized was low. Because of all the construction going on in <br />this area, the costs are $120 to $141 per square foot. He asked that this funding be included in the <br />bond as well as the other funding that will serve this community well for the next 60 years. <br />Maxine Mitchell and Harvey Reed spoke representing the group called EmPowerment. Ms. <br />Mitchell said that she supports the $1.8 million for affordable housing. These bond monies will provide <br />opportunity for many of their friends and neighbors. Harvey Reid said that he feels that allowing people <br />to own a home is actually an investment for Orange County. <br />John Pringle, resident of Efland, teacher and parent, spoke in support of the bond for the Efland <br />Cheeks Community Park. <br />Rick Kennedy, Orange County School Board member, speaking as one board member and a <br />parent said that we have momentum and direction and are coming of age. Growth is going to happen <br />no matter what. He feels that the best decision is one for now and the future and that the opportunity is <br />now. The Orange County school board voted 7 - 0 for the bond. <br />Jennifer Miller and husband Bob Hall have lived in Orange County for twenty years. She supports <br />the bond issue and said that parks make a community a better place to live. She thanked the County <br />Commissioners for providing the citizens with a vision through the parks budget. If the County <br />Commissioners make growth management a priority they will not have to build new schools. <br />Kendall Abernathy, resident of Hillsborough, said that she fully supports the school bond issue and <br />asked that the County Commissioners listen to the task force recommendation. She emphasized that <br />the renovation needs of Orange County schools are real. She asked that the County Commissioners <br />please support the bond package. <br />Joe Saponaro is a board member with Habitat for Humanity. He shared some personal <br />experiences with the process of selecting families for a habitat home and asked that the County <br />Commissioners fully support the affordable housing bond package. <br />Carol dePaul said that she just moved back to the area last week. She supports all the bonds and <br />in particular the recreation and parks bond. <br />Livy Ludington spoke in support of the bond package and everything on it. She spoke specifically <br />about schools and parks. It has become painfully clear that growth does not pay for itself. We are <br />growing so quickly that residential houses become expensive and schools become overcrowded. Parks <br />do create a sense of community. The concrete is balanced out with more open space. <br />Lee Rafalow lives in central Orange County. He said that he generally supports the bond. He has <br />some concerns about the cost effectiveness of the money. He feels that the bond should not be <br />subsidizing growth. <br />END OF CITIZEN COMMENT <br />DESIGNATION OF BOND EDUCATION COMMITTEE <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve a <br />resolution of intent to create a bond education committee as stated below: <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CREATE A BOND EDUCATION COMMITTEE <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has appointed a Bond Education Committee in <br />connection with both the November 1988 and November 1992 bond referenda, and
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