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Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the $300,000 for emergency preparedness. Rod Visser <br />mentioned that this amount results from the discussion regarding installing permanent generators <br />at two high schools. He pointed out that there were lower end options which would cost around <br />$25,000 for each school. It was suggested that county staff work with the school staff and return <br />several, lower-end options to the Commissioners at a later date. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about having a Strategic Automation category requesting <br />$425,000 and a Human Services Automation requesting $105,000. He asked why these were not <br />combined in one category. John Link indicated that the Human Service portion was more than the <br />Master Client Index. It is actually the Human Service piece of the I.S. Strategic Plan. He mentioned <br />that having them separate was actually in order to gain all possible state and federal reimbursement <br />that relates to Human Services. <br />The Criminal Justice Study item, which amounted to $75,000 was discussed. This money is <br />being recommended to complete a study on long range strategic plans. <br />Commissioner Carey pointed out that the design of jail facilities influence the long term cost <br />of running the facility for its entire life cycle. He stated that the operating costs of the current <br />facilities will greatly increase if those facilities are used for the long term. The recommended <br />amount was decreased to $25,000. A report on the original committee's recommendation will be <br />presented to the Commissioners, along with comments on the current situation. A charge will be <br />established for the future task force. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to adopt <br />the Capital Project Ordinances as recommended with the four (4) exceptions listed. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Solid Waste Matters <br />Chair Crowther mentioned that the Solid Waste Plan has been sent to the State. He also <br />mentioned that the Landfill Reorganization Work Group has completed its work and has been <br />disbanded. The report dated June 27, 1997, and titled Interlocal Agreement Concerning Solid <br />Waste Management Matters was drafted by that group. John Link indicated that the Interlocal <br />Agreement would be the focus of this discussion. After discussion, the open matters in this report <br />need to be resolved by all involved units of government prior to December 1, 1997. If this resolution <br />is not reached the Agreement will dissolve. <br />Mr. Jessup indicated that the Reorganization Work Group arrived at the decision to have a <br />deadline for adoption because they felt that if current Boards couldn't come to an agreement, then <br />new local Boards should have their own opportunity to design a plan. <br />Commissioner Carey pointed out that another reason to resolve this issue is so that the <br />adjacent landowners of the current land fill can have their concerns resolved. That cannot be done <br />until someone is actually responsible for the area. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that her understanding was that everything had to be agreed <br />upon before anything went into effect. Mr. Jessup stated that if the open issues are not settled, then <br />the entire agreement will need to be completely rewritten. The open matters are 1) selecting the new <br />Solid Waste Management Site, (whether a landfill or some alternative) 2) settling on a process for <br />providing community benefits to residents of the new landfill site, 3) and Carrboro, Chapel Hill and <br />the County must agree on the transfer of solid waste system operational control, assets and <br />liabilities. The Reorganization Work Group decided that the process for the new waste management