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10 <br />Article 6: Development standards <br />Section 6.14: Stormwater Management <br />(10) Vegetation Management tii « includes the installation of new <br />vegetation its - �Jiilr --,is rf t r..�f- ,! mitiq- _iiion ,>I< :r;; and a one- <br />time application of fertilizer to re- establishrno+" the vegetation <br />(11) Vegetation Management/ Replanting in an effort to protect existing <br />structures <br />6.13.7 Diffuse Flow Requiremene" <br />(A) Diffuse flow of runoff shall be maintained in the r Ic-m stream buffer by <br />dispersing concentrated flow and re- establishing vegetation. <br />(B) Concentrated runoff from new ditches or constructed conveyances shall be <br />converted to diffuse flow before the runoff enters the riyaFiarr stream buffer. <br />(C) Periodic corrective action to restore diffuse flow shall be taken if necessary to <br />impede the formation of erosion gullies. <br />6.13.8 Land Disturbance and Planting of Vegetation726 <br />(A) Area within a stream buffer which is subject to serious erosion may be disturbed <br />for the purpose of planting and maintaining erosion- resistant vegetative cover. <br />(B) Existing forested areas or any other healthy vegetation sanAnt may riot be <br />removed from a stream buffer, except where replaced with vegetation resulting in <br />comparable stormwater runoff velocity and quantity one year after planting. <br />(1) 721 <br />Ars�y�tadn- sh:_+lt - -be- ativwsacl_ tE3r-{ ���If- co�rr�c�,5- �rvkr�e- t#a�- lia -re- of -ptay <br />t�rese�- �- a-- fitrearra tsrcffr -�l -y- trees- v, �taaf, t�- r��t�rrct- tkre`-- ir�tr%:r�:�e�N+r - }�,# <br />flay t��4�y -be vkrt;- tarvuider#-- =_>�rr�f�- ;arid -rat rraass- arf3- rrest-- re��af��r:c4 --�r� <br />t Pis wtaietr -rte -r.E►t -Gan —t + —rr�r rc3�rerit i}� a- sw itiv na rrrn : vk�i ;l� <br />rxairairxai es �aEtfiitiEar at �I +stArrtararasr� t'a-#W_Stre�rr-n-t-a!:a#fer <br />(C) New vegetation shall be planted to capture non - source pollutants before they <br />reach the perennial stream, as per applicable Orange County Standards. <br />SECTION 6.14 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT <br />6.14.1 Introduction <br />As a watershed becomes more developed, the amount of impervious surface increases, causing <br />a decrease in the rate at which stormwater runoff which can be absorbed into the soil. This <br />results in more stormwater flowing directly into streams and other water bodies. Because this <br />direct runoff has not been filtered through the soil, pollutahl.4 from the air and land surface enter <br />streams and increase the potential for pollution of drinking water supplies.' <br />725 From SW Ord Section 3 <br />728 ZO 6.23.7(c) <br />727 Not permitted by State, therefore deleted <br />728 Merging stormwater regs from ZO (Countywide) & Stonnwater Ordinance (Neuse only); see UDO Notes <br />729 ZO 6.23.3 first paragraph <br />Orange County, North Carolina - DRAFT Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -144 <br />