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4 <br />Implementation Bridge and Improvements to Adopted UDO <br />The Consultant working with staff on this project will produce an "Implementation Bridge" <br />document which will provide recommendations for future phase work. Additionally, once all of <br />the text proposed for deletion is removed from the draft document by staff, the Consultant will <br />produce an Index for the UDO. Staff is also discussing with the consultant the possibility of <br />providing a variety of hyperlinks in the electronic version of the adopted document and an <br />estimate of the cost for the next budget cycle. <br />Economic Development Districts — Name Changes and Zoning District Name Chancres <br />The existing Economic Development District (EDD) Design Manual (which has been <br />incorporated into the UDO) lists names that are no longer used for the EDDs. A table included <br />in Attachment 8 shows the name in the EDD Design Manual along with the proposed name. <br />Additionally, the existing economic development zoning district classifications are inconsistent <br />with the numbering scheme used for other zoning districts and are proposed to be changed for <br />consistency. These proposed changes are also shown in Attachment 8 along with maps <br />depicting where these zoning districts are located. More specific work in these areas is <br />proposed by staff for the next phase. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The BOCC provided $32,600 in the 2009 -2010 budget, Departmental <br />Contract Services Account, to complete this BOCC priority. The costs of consulting services, as <br />outlined in the executed contract, are not to exceed $30,000. The additional $2,600 was <br />budgeted for advertising, copying and printing expenses. Monies were not carried forward from <br />the previous budget, so staff is working with Financial Services to accommodate this multi -year <br />BOCC priority. Advertising, copying and printing expenses have exceeded $2,600 but in the <br />interim have been paid using general Planning Department budgeted funds for these types of <br />activities. Additionally, Planning staff time on the project has been significant. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Director recommends the Board: <br />1. Conduct the continued public hearing and accept public, BOCC, and Planning Board <br />comment on the proposed November 2010 Unified Development Ordinance - and the <br />proposed changes to the draft document contained in Attachments 2 and 3. <br />2. Accept the Planning Board's recommendation of approval of the entire UDO with the <br />revisions contained in Attachment 2. <br />3. Direct the Planning Board to consider the following at its March 2, 2011 meeting and <br />return a recommendation on the same in time for the April 5, 2011 BOCC regular <br />meeting: <br />a. The revisions contained in Attachment 3. <br />b. Any new information brought forward at the February 28, 2011 continued public <br />hearing. <br />4. Adjourn the public hearing until April 5, 2011 in order to receive- and accept the Planning <br />Board's recommendation on the revisions in Attachment 3 and any new information <br />brought forward at the February 28, 2011 continued public hearing. <br />