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4 <br />a) County Manager FY2011-12 Budget Preparation Directions to Departments • <br />In order to meet the Board's FY2011-12 anticipated budget goals and priorities, <br />it will be necessary to maintain conservative spending levels for the current year. <br />The County Manager has provided the following direction to department directors <br />as they prepare their FY 2011-12 budget requests. <br />• Departments should submit FY2011-12 budget requests that continue <br />focusing on and reflecting core services only. The dollar amount of their <br />budget request should generally be the same as their FY2010-11 requests. <br />• Department Directors are expected to continue to critically review their <br />departments and propose reductions in, and in some instances elimination of, <br />non-mandated services and activities. Additionally, the County Manager <br />expects departments to look at opportunities to outsource services to local <br />agencies that are duplicated by the County. <br />b) Board Priorities and Exchanges <br />In accordance with the Board's guiding principles from recent years, no new <br />services can be added without exchanging them for current services or increasing <br />taxes. Additionally, we will continue to prepare the upcoming FY2011-12 budget <br />without recommending a property tax increase. In upcoming budget work sessions, <br />staff will provide details about fiscal impacts to the goals and priorities established <br />at this work session. Any new priorities will require new funding. • <br />3) BOCC FY 2011-12 Budget Decisions and Guidance <br />Attachment 3 is a copy of the preliminary known issues in preparing the FY2011-12 <br />budget. Some of the major issues influencing the FY2011-12 budget are as follows: <br />• Property and Sales Tax growth is expected to remain stagnant with only an <br />anticipated increase of 1 %. <br />• Salaries will continue to be budgeted at 100%. <br />• Increases in salaries, fringe benefits and retiree cost of $1.5 million in FY2011-12. <br />• Debt service costs will decrease approximately $1.4 million in FY2011-12. <br />This handout highlights a number of budget drivers that will influence the upcoming <br />budget. <br />• <br />