Agenda - 02-24-2011 - 3
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Agenda - 02-24-2011
Agenda - 02-24-2011 - 3
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8/3/2012 10:34:29 AM
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2/18/2011 4:18:55 PM
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Brady Alternatives 41 <br />September 20, 2010 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />• NC 86 North widening between US 70 Bypass and NC 57 <br />In addition, DCHC -MPO staff modeled two additional projects to provide a parallel route to <br />Churton Street: the Western Bypass and a western loop extending the Western Bypass south to <br />the I- 40/I -85 split west of Town. The latter would provide a direct connection to the Interstate. <br />Planning Department staff notes that these two projects exceed the intended scope of the <br />analysis, but show that a parallel route might have a greater impact on relieving congestion. This <br />will be explored further in the "Recommendations and Next Steps" section of this report. <br />Model Results <br />The results shown in the table on Page 32 of the DCHC -MPO report show the impact to number <br />of vehicles (volume), travel time (in minutes), and congestion (V /C- Volume /Capacity) for 9 of <br />the alternatives analyzed as compared to a base analysis that includes the interstate widening <br />projects. The table analyzes each alternative independently, not in combination. <br />As noted in the "Purpose of Analysis" section of this report, one of the primary outcomes sought <br />by the Town is to be able to use the funding previously allocated for the Elizabeth Brady Road <br />Extension project for a "package" of viable projects that can be constructed quickly and that will <br />effectively alleviate congestion on Churton Street in downtown. <br />Projects 1, 2, and 3 in the table below (matching the DCHC -MPO report) offer some <br />improvement and can move forward with the least additional review and design. Project #4 <br />(Orange Grove Road extension) in the list is new road and will require significant time for <br />planning, design, and permitting. <br />The impact of the intersection improvement created by the Eno Mountain Road/Mayo Street <br />alignment cannot be reflected in the model because it adds no capacity and is located within a <br />TAZ rather than as boundary points. However, this project is in a position to move forward more <br />rapidly than others because of its inclusion in the DCHC -MPO 2035 LRTP. Additionally, this <br />project improves a route that is parallel to Churton Street, which implies it may have a noticeable <br />impact on Churton Street congestion. <br />Funding Comparisons: <br />In the Fiscal Year 2009 -2015 STIP, $33,994,000 was allocated for right -of -way, mitigation, and <br />construction of the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension project beginning in FY 2010. Given the <br />status of the project when Hillsborough withdrew support, the STIP schedule had already slipped <br />by at least one year. <br />The table below provides information on each individual alternative project, including their cost <br />and funding commitment level. The alternative numbering is based on the alternative listing in <br />the DCHC -MPO report. <br />
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