Orange County NC Website
Brady Alternatives <br />40 <br />September 20, 2010 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />5. Assess the viability of designating an alternate route as an NC 86 Bypass — including <br />portions of I -40, I -85 and the US 70 Connector to I -85 west of the Town. <br />6. Provide additional operational support funding for an in -town circulating bus route <br />(C -4932) for 5 additional years in a step -down manner to allow the Town and Orange <br />County to absorb the cost and provide a quality service with short headways. <br />7. Install enhanced signage east, west, and north of Hillsborough to direct through traffic to <br />use the US 70 Connector and Interstates rather than Churton Street. This includes signage <br />in RTP (Research Triangle Park) to direct NC 86 North traffic to the Durham Freeway <br />(NC 147),1-85, and US 70 Bypass, and includes the study of the improvement as well as <br />installation of signage. <br />Other staff suggested improvements that could not be modeled are listed below. Alternative <br />actions for each are listed in the "Recommendations and Next Steps" section of this report: <br />A. Conduct a downtown TDM (Traffic Demand Management) and efficiency <br />assessment to include analysis of signalization, dedicated left turn lanes, other turn lanes, <br />parking and traffic calming to both improve the flow of traffic while maintaining <br />community character in the Town's historic downtown core. <br />B. Assess the impacts and viability of extending US 70 -A to the west to connect with <br />Exchange Park Lane. <br />C. Conduct a community railroad crossing assessment. <br />D. Assess the condition of the Eno River and railroad bridges on South Churton Street to <br />determine an appropriate replacement schedule and necessary design changes to <br />accommodate bicycle and pedestrian improvements. <br />E. Conduct a Feasibility Study for the alignment of Eno Mountain Road and Mayo <br />Street (TIP U- 3436). <br />F. Update and modernization of I -85 interchange #165 at NC 86 South (The widening and <br />reconfiguration of Hillsborough's two I -85 interchanges were included in the DCHC- <br />MPO report as the baseline analysis). <br />Additional Projects Analyzed.• <br />DCHC -MPO staff analyzed the following projects because they are existing projects in the <br />DCHC -MPO 2035 LRTP (Long Range Transportation Plan) that may impact congestion along <br />Churton Street: <br />I -40 widening <br />I -85 widening <br />NC 86 South widening between US 70 -A East and Old NC 10 <br />