Orange County NC Website
A+44z4om 3 -6 -1 <br />Brady Alternatives 38 <br />September 20, 2010 <br />Page I of 6 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Mayor Stevens and Hillsborough Town Board members <br />From: Margaret Hauth, Planning Director <br />Date: September 20, 2010 <br />RE: Alternatives to Elizabeth Brady Road <br />Background: <br />The Hillsborough Town Board of Commissioners withdrew its support for TIP (Transportation <br />Improvement Program) project U -3808 (Elizabeth Brady Road Extension), a $33.9 million <br />project, on December 14, 2009. After reviewing the environmental documents for the project, the <br />Board realized the project yielded limited improvements in traffic congestion on Churton Street <br />while posing significant impacts to the natural and social environment in the area of the project. <br />During these discussions, Planning Department staff proposed a list of alternative projects that <br />when taken in some combination may have similar or greater impacts on reducing Churton Street <br />congestion. <br />At the time of their decision, the Town Board expressed concern that withdrawing their support <br />may cause the Town to lose the funding assigned to The Elizabeth Brady Road Extension <br />project. Prior to NCDOT's (North Carolina Department of Transportation) withdrawal of the <br />project entirely, it was partially funded in the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program). <br />While NCDOT would not commit to "swapping funding," the door was left open to work within <br />the TIP process to assign the funds to new priorities. <br />The DCHC -MPO (Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro - Metropolitan Planning Organization) has <br />supported the concept of reassigning the funding to other Town projects that may achieve the <br />goal of the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension project and assisted with the analysis of the <br />substitute projects list to determine what combination of projects may be most effective. A copy <br />of the DCHC -MPO report containing their analysis, The Churton Street Congestion Analy� is <br />Report, is attached. The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for understanding <br />that report and suggesting action options. <br />Purpose of the Analysis: <br />To assist with the TIP process, it is desirable to have a locally supported "package" of projects <br />analyzed in a model that can be held up as having an impact on Churton Street congestion. This <br />is needed in order to help persuade NCDOT that it is reasonable to reassign funding for the <br />Elizabeth Brady Road Extension project to this package of projects as they would address the <br />same need. When the selected package is run in the model, the Town will pick the same <br />measures of effectiveness that were used in the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension project's EIS <br />(Environmental Impact Statement) so the alternative projects can be compared fairly. The <br />package must consist of projects that can be constructed quickly, and can be shown to effectively <br />alleviate traffic congestion on Churton Street in downtown Hillsborough. <br />