Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Attachment 2-b -11/18/10 Draft County Facilities Use Policy <br />3. Transportation <br />a) Update on Rail Station <br />The Town of Hillsborough requested funds through Representative David Price's office for the <br />construction of a multi-modal trail station on Town property. To date, no funds have been <br />allocated. The Town also coordinated with the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />(NCDOT) Rail Office on a stimulus funding application. This application has also not been <br />awarded funds yet. The Town remains committed to this project as a top priority and continues <br />to investigate funding options that leverage local funds in the most advantageous manner. <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss issues <br />related to this item as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />b) Elizabeth Brady Road Alternative Solutions <br />Following up on the Town's decision to support the no build alternative for Elizabeth Brady <br />Road, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) undertook some traffic analysis within <br />Hillsborough to determine the viability of some alternative projects that were already planned <br />and supported. A September 20, 2010 memorandum regarding alternatives to Elizabeth Brady <br />Road is attached. (An attachment to this memo -the Churton Street Congestion Analysis <br />Report - is available electronically -see below.) This information informed the Town's request <br />to shift funding from the Brady project to a number of other projects during recent TIP <br />discussions. The NCDOT response to the Town's (and MPO's) request was somewhat vague. <br />At the recent quarterly meeting with NCDOT officials, it was agreed that a meeting would be <br />scheduled to discuss the topic in more detail and pursue a potential agreement. <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the Boards can discuss issues <br />related to this item as necessary. <br />Attachment 3-b-1 - 9/20/10 Memorandum Regarding Alternatives to Elizabeth Brady <br />Road <br />Attachment 3-b-2 - Churton Street Congestion Analysis Report (Available electronically <br />of under "Meeting Agendas" - <br />Board of County Commissioners, Joint Meeting with <br />Hillsborough -February 24, 2011) <br />Attachment 3-b-3 -12/15/09 Board of County Commissioners' Resolution Endorsing The <br />No-Build Alternative For Tip Project Number 03808, <br />Elizabeth Brady Road Extension And Supporting Funding <br />For Improving Traffic Flow In Hillsborough <br />