Orange County NC Website
a high school facility and information on the Schools and Land Use Council including the staffing for that <br />Council. The County Commissioners want to revisit the building standards and the tiers that have been <br />approved. They want to be sure they have flexibility in terms of costs for school construction. <br />The Board asked to have something in the goals about the rabies epidemic. They want to be <br />more proactive in notifying the public. <br />With regard to Youth Programs, the Board made reference to the fourth paragraph pertaining <br />to a Council which can advise the community on wholesome and constructive leisure activities (social, <br />cultural, educational, and recreational) for youth and decided to place this goal under Parks and <br />Recreation. This would mean that Human Services would have four goals instead of actual milestones <br />as indicated in the document. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the efficiency improvements as noted in the Innovation <br />and Efficiency Report. She asked for an update on the disposition of these items -- especially the <br />incentive programs. <br />Chair Crowther deleted the goal for reorganizing the Boards and Commissions. <br />A report on the Strategic Automation Plan will be given at the June 19 budget work session. <br />Commissioner Brown requested adding a goal for 10 to 15 acre truck gardening. Planning <br />Director Marvin Collins noted that this was included under the Farmland Preservation goal. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that this be moved forward. <br />With regard to the Joint Planning Agreement with Hillsborough, the County Commissioners <br />decided to leave it as a goal even though Hillsborough withdrew. <br />With regard to the Economic Development District at 1-85 and North Carolina 86, <br />Commissioner Carey asked for an update or status report on cost and staff time for setting up a work <br />group and working with Hillsborough on this goal. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about fiscal impact analysis, including the templates for <br />integrating planning information with GIS information. Mr. Collins said that he hopes to have a report for <br />the County Commissioners in August or September. Commissioner Gordon asked that this be written up <br />in the goal abstract. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that the County look at park site acquisition and set a timeframe <br />for moving ahead. <br />John Link said that this needs to be part of the new master park plan which is being updated <br />at this time. <br />With regard to Rural Character, a report will be forthcoming in August on flexible <br />development. <br />Commissioner Brown asked to revisit the village option and see how this would play out with <br />a development like Meadowmont. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the goal for transportation planning and asked that <br />briefing the Transportation Advisory Committee JAC) Chair be added to objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5. She <br />made other changes which were given to the staff to incorporate.