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Commissioner Brown suggested that the Economic Development Commission work with <br />OWASA on PDR. <br />The comments and suggestions after reviewing the Economic Development Commission's <br />Strategic Plan are listed below: <br />Commissioner Brown asked that all sections pertaining to sustainable development pulled out of the <br />Strategic Plan and a separate plan of action be prepared for these items. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that all goals are important and asked that they all be worked on at the <br />same time. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to see a plan for sustainable principles and timelines <br />and would like for the sustainable development items in the strategic plan to receive top priority. <br />Commissioner Carey questioned altering the plan by pulling some out, working on others or not <br />working on some of the items listed in the Strategic Plan. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that while sustainability is important, he feels the small loan pool is <br />important and less focus should be placed on housing. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested organizing the goals into two groups -- action versus encouraging <br />people to think about it. <br />In conclusion, Mr. Abernathy assured the County Commissioners that everything listed will be done. <br />The purpose of prioritizing is to be sure those items are placed at the top of the list. He does not feel that <br />there is a lack of focus within the plan because the Board of County Commissioners has provided the <br />Economic Development Commission with a broad community outlook. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if having a County Commissioner on the Economic Development <br />Commission would provide some focus. Ted Abernathy indicated he would welcome any County <br />Commissioner to serve on this Commission. <br />Commissioner Brown indicated her willingness to serve on the Economic Development Commission. <br />It was determined that a change in the bylaws would need to be made in order to add a County <br />Commissioners as a member. Mr. Abernathy said he would pursue that change with the Commission. <br />Commissioner Carey clarified that the Economic Development Commission is a policy/advising <br />board. The Economic Development staff follows through with providing whatever is necessary to carry out <br />the policies as set by the Economic Development Commission. <br />ORANGE COUNTY RESPONSE - MEADOWMONT SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION <br />County Engineer Paul Thames presented a written analysis of the proposed Meadowmont school site <br />and shared comments from his meeting with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board. He <br />presented a map showing the school site and described the topography of the property. He explained that <br />some of the area is wet during the winter and standing water is there for an extended period of time after it <br />rains. In conclusion he said that he would consider the designated middle school site at Meadowmont to be <br />of marginal suitability for its intended use. <br />The Board decided to send a letter to the Town Council outlining the County Commissioners' <br />concerns and making suggestions for conditions to be placed on the Special Use Permit that would address <br />these concerns. Another letter will be sent to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board with a similar list of <br />concerns. <br />Commissioners Brown and Halkiotis expressed concerns about the suitability of this site. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he walked the site and although he has some concerns, he feels that the site <br />should be approved. He does not feel the County Commissioners should vote on whether or not to fund a <br />school on this particular site. Commissioner Gordon feels the site is too small and they should look for 22 <br />acres, the recommended size for a middle school site, somewhere else.