Orange County NC Website
Bob Schmidt, outgoing President of the Friends of the Chapel Hill Senior Center, said that he <br />does not agree with the recommendation to not purchase the senior center in Chapel Hill . They would like to <br />have a permanent facility and hope the County Commissioners will consider their situation. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested that the Board receive this as a report and put this on their <br />agenda for their June 19 budget work session for a more in-depth discussion. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said he was concerned about the minority reports attached to this <br />recommendation. He feels that there are school needs but also that there are other needs in this County. He <br />noted that because there were a large number of school system people on this Task Force, that the County <br />needs and the senior needs got left out. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that Orange County Schools give an explanation and rationale for a <br />second high school. <br />C. PRESENTATION OF 1997-98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER GOALS <br />This item was deleted from the agenda <br />11. APPOINTMENTS -NONE <br />12. MINUTES - NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION <br />ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE <br />PERSONNEL MATTER <br />Authority: G.S. Sections 143-318.11(a)(3) and (6) <br />This item was moved forward to the next meeting. <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to come before the Board, Chair Crowther adjourned the meeting. The next <br />regular meeting will be held on May 21, 1997 at the OWASA meeting room at 400 Jones Ferry Road in <br />Carrboro, North Carolina. <br />William L. Crowther, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk