Orange County NC Website
Landfill Owners Group will meet and hopefully approve the Integrated Solid Waste Plan <br />which will then be forwarded to each unit of government for approval. The plan will <br />indicate various services as well as suggested costs for those services. The LOG has <br />recently met to review the 1997-1998 fiscal year. <br />Commission Gordon asked if this is the same Solid Waste Plan that the State is <br />requiring to be forwarded to them. Councilmember Franck indicated that they have <br />decided that it will be the same plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon also mentioned that she did not believe that there was <br />agreement on the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) and asked that it not be included in <br />the plan. She requested additional information on this type of facility. <br />Councilmember Franck mentioned that when the LOG makes its <br />recommendations there will be only one month to adopt the plan in order to meet the <br />State's requirements. All units need to be able to approve the plan within the next month <br />in order to meet the July 1 st deadline. <br />Councilmember Chilton indicated that the agreement says that the County should <br />operate consistent with the adopted plan. The county will need to adhere to the <br />agreement. <br />There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. The next Assembly <br />of Government meeting will be held on September 25, 1997 at the Homestead <br />Community Center, Homestead Road, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />William L. Crowther, Chair <br />Kathy Baker, Deputy Clerk