Minutes - 19970417
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19970417
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Agenda - 04-17-1997
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• In order for the landfill to be financially stable it must be a requirement that <br />units of government use landfill. <br />• No taxes will be levied for a landfill, however, there could be a fee for service <br />to the towns which could come from the General Fund. <br />• Reduction in the amount of solid waste going to the landfill will eventually <br />cause increases in tipping fees because of a decrease in revenues. <br />• Chapel Hill officials have a commitment to assuring that their constituents do <br />not pay twice for solid waste disposal by paying for their own disposal as well <br />as a portion of Orange County's. <br />• The draft agreement indicated that the administrative costs of the system can <br />be charged back to the system. <br />• After adoption of the new plan, the benefits and liabilities will belong to the <br />County. For example, if it is discovered, after the transfer that something <br />illegal was occurring prior to the transfer, the towns will look first to the <br />County to solve the problem. It would be possible at that time that the EPA <br />would determine that all units of government continue to bear responsibility. <br />• Operating the landfill would be the responsibility of the County. Each unit of <br />government would be required to use the landfill. <br />In response to a question, Bob Jessup, the attorney who is working with the <br />L.O.G. indicated that if an environmental disaster was discovered to have existed prior <br />to the transfer the County would be responsible for using system revenue only. If a <br />problem needs to be fixed it would be possible to raise money or to finance and recover <br />the debt service. EPA would also look to the parties who disposed of that waste in the <br />landfill. He also pointed out that the agreement does not transfer the Greene Tract to <br />the County, nor does it address the future of the Greene Tract. <br />In response to a question regarding the cost of recycling Mr. Jessup indicated <br />that Article 5.8 discusses Other Fees , how they would be raised, and what the <br />procedure would be if the County recommended a change and the proposed Solid <br />Waste Commission rejected that recommendation. <br />The possibility of using a district tax was mentioned. <br />It was also suggested that it is not appropriate to use an Interlocal Agreement to <br />determine that General Tax Funds would not be used for collection in non-urban areas. <br />That would be unnecessarily limiting the County. <br />Geoff Gledhill indicated that an agreement that limits the county's ability to use <br />tax revenue is not legally binding and should not be in this agreement. <br />Commissioner Gordon requested clarification of section 7.02 Withdrawal of a <br />Party. Mr. Jessup indicated that although a party could withdraw from the agreement, <br />they would still be required to deliver their solid waste to the landfill. <br />INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE PLAN: Councilmember Franck reported that the <br />comments of each unit of government were received and reviewed. The solid waste <br />staff has been charged with developing the framework of this plan. It will be presented <br />to the Landfill Owners Group on May 8th for discussion and recommended changes. <br />The approved draft will be presented at Public Hearing on May 22nd. On May 28th the
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