Orange County NC Website
A RESOLUTION DISSOLVING THE DOGWOOD ACRES SANITARY DISTRICT <br />WHEREAS, the Dogwood Acres Sanitary District was created in 1969 to finance the installation of water <br />lines by means of which the University of North Carolina agreed to provide the District with a wholesome and <br />potable supply of water, and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) agreed to assume the obligations of the <br />University to the District when OWASA purchased the University's water utility system in 1977, and has <br />continued to provide water service to residents of the District since that time, and <br />WHEREAS, there are 500 or less resident freeholders residing within the District and the Board of Directors <br />of the Dogwood Acres Sanitary District has requested that the Orange County Board of Commissioners take <br />action to dissolve the District because it has served its purpose, no longer provides any services and has no <br />outstanding bond or other legal indebtedness, and <br />WHEREAS, OWASA has affirmed its intent to continue to provide water service to residents of the District <br />and therefore the Orange County Board of Commissioners need not adopt a plan for continued operation and <br />provision of water services to the District, and <br />WHEREAS, the statutory required public hearing has been conducted, pursuant to the process established <br />for the dissolution of a sanitary district; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby <br />find, in accordance with NCGS 130A-85 that the interest of the citizens of the Dogwood Acres Sanitary <br />District and the County will be best served if the operation and the services provided by the District (there are <br />none of these operations and services provided) were provided for by the Board of Commissioners, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby dissolve the <br />Dogwood Acres Sanitary District. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to approve those <br />items as listed below: <br />A. APPOINTMENTS <br />This item was removed and will be considered immediately after the Consent Agenda. <br />B. MINUTES <br />The minutes for March 5, 1997 were approved. <br />C. APPLICATION FOR GROUNDWATER GUARDIAN DESIGNATION <br />This item was removed and will be considered immediately after the Consent Agenda. <br />D. DESIGNATION OF TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL AS LEAD AGENCY FOR STATE SOLID <br />WASTE PLAN <br />This item was removed and will be considered immediately after the Consent Agenda. <br />E. LEASE APPROVAL FOR 112 N. CHURTON STREET, HILLSBOROUGH <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a lease for property at 112 N. Churton <br />Street to be used as offices for the Clerk of Court. <br />F. CONTRACTS BETWEEN UNC HOSPITALS AND THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND UNC <br />SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT