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Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a commitment from the County Commissioners for helping Mr. <br />McBroom. He hopes the County staff will find a way to help Mr. McBroom correct this situation. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that tapping onto the force main is not a long term solution and that <br />whatever strategy is used that it be considered in a larger context. <br />Paul Thames said that it may be possible to put in another force main - low pressure system. <br />It is not the option that Mr. McBroom has chosen because it would be costly. It would be parallel and be a <br />system designed to have taps. This would be a 4" line for 7,000 feet with an estimated cost of $49,000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis to allow a temporary tapon to the Hancor line as <br />soon as they clear the blockage. The temporary status would mean until the Economic Development District <br />is provided with water and sewer. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this action would set a precedent and she feels it is a very bad <br />precedent to set. This would nullify the policy on force mains that the Board of County Commissioners has <br />approved. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 2; Nos, 3 (Commissioners Carey, Crowther and Gordon) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to ask staff to <br />look at this situation and try to come up with an alternative to remedy this problem and a strategy for <br />addressing similar problems. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNICAL SUPPORT AGREEMENTS <br />Information Systems Director Dick Taylor answered various questions from the County <br />Commissioners. He explained the problems being experienced in data processing and explained how <br />outsourcing would help solve some of these problems. He said that a strategic automation plan will be <br />presented during the budget session. <br />John Link assured the Board that he will report back to them the results of outsourcing and if it is a <br />good strategy for future needs. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the <br />agreement with Computer Network Solutions for an amount not to exceed $30,000 and to approve the <br />agreement with Good Pickin' for an amount not to exceed $6,500, and to authorize the Chair to sign, subject <br />to final review by the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; Nos, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />E. AGREEMENT RENEWALISTATUS REPORT -AUTOMATED INFORMATION AND <br />REFERRAL SYSTEM <br />Tom Dugard, President, Triangle United Way, explained the services that this automated system <br />will provide. In August 1995, the County entered into an agreement with the United Way of Greater Orange <br />County to develop a county-wide automated I & R system for human services agencies and provide ongoing <br />administration. The Partnership for Young Children (Smart Start) awarded $50,000 and the County <br />contributed $40,000 for start-up and ongoing administration through June 30, 1996. He explained that the <br />project had been delayed because of staff turnover and problems with the system. The system is up and <br />operating at this time. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the outcomes derived from this system and was told that this <br />information will be provided. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Chair Crowther to approve the <br />agreement with the Triangle United Way for the administration of the Orange Resource Connection for Fiscal <br />year 1996-97. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS