2011-031 - Abstract NC Dept of Agriculture - Consumer Services for Specialty Crop Equipment- Processing Center
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2011-031 - Abstract NC Dept of Agriculture - Consumer Services for Specialty Crop Equipment- Processing Center
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Last modified
1/12/2012 12:51:40 PM
Creation date
2/16/2011 3:25:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-15-2011 - 4h
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4 <br />V. Agency's Duties: The Agency shall pay the Grantee in the manner and in the amounts specified in the <br />Contract Documents. The totala mount paid by the Agency to the Grantee under this Contract shall not <br />exceed $ 79.950.00. This amount consists of $ 79.950.00 in Federal funds. (CFDA # 10.170) <br />(1) There are no matching requirements from the Grantee. <br />[ X ] (2) The Grantee's matching requirement is $12.000.00, which shall consist of: <br />[ ] In-kind [ ] Cash <br />[ ] Cash and In-kind [ X ] Cash and/or In-kind <br />The contributions from the Grantee shall be sourced from non-federal funds. Any funds committed <br />as matching funds must be spent concurrently with the federal funds awarded in this Contract (i.e. <br />past expenditures prior to submission and approval of the Grantee's application shall not be used). <br />The total contracts mount is $91.950.00. <br />VI. Conflict of Interest Policy: <br />The Agency has determined that the Grantee is a govemmental agency and is not subject to N.C.G.S. <br />143C-6-23(b). Therefore, the Grantee is not required to file a Conflict of Interest Policy with the Agency <br />prior to the disbursement of funds. <br />VII. Statement of No Overdue Tax Debts: <br />The Agency has determined that the Grantee is a govemmental agency and is not subject to N.C.G.S. <br />143C-6-23(c). Therefore, the Grantee is not required to file a Statement of No Overdue Tax Debts prior <br />to the disbursements off unds. <br />VIII. Reversion of Unexpended Funds <br />Any unexpended grant funds shall revert to the Agency upon termination of this Contract. <br />IX. Reporting Requirements: <br />(1) State IN.C.G.S. 143C-6-231 <br />The Agency has determined that the Grantee is a govemmental entity and is not subject to the <br />State reporting requirements mandated by N.C.G.S. 143C-6-23: Therefore, the Grantee does <br />not have to file annual electronic reports with the NC Office of State Budget & Management. <br />2) Agency Reporting Requirements <br />(A) Performance Reports: Grantees shall submit the Agency's programmatic reporting forms <br />thata re to be supplied by the Agency. These reports are due June 30 and December 15 until <br />completion of the project. A Final Performance Report is due within 60 days following the <br />expiration or termination date. <br />(B) FinancialR eports: Grantees shall submittheAgency's FinancialR eporting Form, on June <br />30 and December 15 annually. Grantee shall submit a FinalF inancialR eport and Finall nvoice <br />not later than 60 days after the expiration date or termination of the Contract. <br />(C) If the Contract period is one year or less, only final performance and financial reports are <br />required for the entire project period. <br />X. Payment Provisions: <br />Upon execution of this Contract, the Grantee shall submit to the Agency, at least monthly, <br />reimbursement requests and, upon approvalb y the Agency, shall receive payment within 30 days. If this <br />Contract is terminated, the Grantee shall complete a finals ccounting report and return any unexpended <br />funds to the Agency within 60 days of the contract termination date. The Agency shall have no obligation <br />to honor requests for payment based on expenditure reports submitted later than 60 days after <br />termination or expiration of the contract period. <br />NGO Form 0009 ContractC over Governmental Entities <br />Eff. 9/2005 <br />ao~a~~ ~nnn~ unnno ~~nnn4 ~~i~n~n nicnnzr^a P~„o ~ „a F <br />
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