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5 <br />The Grantee shall put any funds received as an advance payment from the Agency in an interest <br />bearing account. Interest earned shall be reported on the Agency "Request for Reimbursement" form. <br />The Grantee may keep interest amounts up to $100 per year for administrative expenses,w hich have <br />been determined as allowable costs. Interest earned in excess of $100 must be returned to the Agency <br />no later than 60 days after the contract is terminated or expires. If it should be determined that funds are <br />not being expended for the purpose for which they were awarded, the Agency shall cease making <br />further payments until the problem has been resolved and the Grantee will be required to immediately <br />return any unspent funds plus any interest for which it is determined that funds were misused. <br />The Grantee shall account for any income earned, which may result from any funds awarded under this <br />Contract, on the Agency "Request for Reimbursement" form. Eligible uses of income earned are: <br />a. expanding the project or program; <br />b. . continuing the project or program after the grant ends; or <br />C. supporting other projects or programs that further the broad objectives of the Specialty <br />Crop Block GrantPr ogram. <br />Reimbursement requests shall be completed on a "Request for Reimbursement" form and furnished to <br />the Grantee by the Agency. Allr eimbursement forms must include support documentation, including but <br />not limited to, copies of invoices; individual time sheets and travel logs that have been signed by the <br />employee and supervisor; salary registers or payrolls that include fringe benefits, hourly rates of pay, <br />and signature oft he Grantee's responsible financial person;c ancelled checks and lease agreements. <br />Twenty percent (20 %) of the total funds awarded under this Contracts hall be retained by the Agency <br />untilb oth the final performance and financial reports are submitted by the Grantee and approved by the <br />Agency. <br />Expenditures incurred prior to the submission and final execution of the Contract by the Agency are <br />deemed to be unallowable expenditures, and therefore, will not be reimbursed. <br />All matching funds, including in -kind and cash, mustb a spent concurrently with funds provided by this <br />Contract. Both types of matching funds expended shall be accounted for on Request for <br />Reimbursement forms, and support documentation for all matching expenditures shall be included with <br />the forms. <br />XI. Contract Administrators: All notices permitted or required to be given by one Party to the other and all <br />questions about the Contract from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other <br />Party's Contract Administrator. The name, post office address, street address, telephone number, fax <br />number, and email address of the Parties' respective initial Contract Administrators are seto utb Blow. <br />Either Party may change the name, post office address, street address, telephone number, fax number, <br />or email address of its ContractA dministrator by giving timely written notice to the other Party. <br />For the Agency: <br />IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE <br />IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS <br />Name: Nathan Holleman Title: Contract Administrator <br />Name: Nathan Holleman Title: ContractA dministrator <br />NCDA & CS Marketing Division <br />NCDA & CS Marketing Division <br />1020 Mail Service Center <br />2 West Edenton Street <br />Raleigh, NC 27699 -1020 <br />Raleigh,N C 27601 <br />Telephone: 919 - 707 -3125 <br />Alternate Contact Name: Jeff Camden <br />Fax: 919- 715 -0155 <br />Telephone: 919-707-3111F ax: 919- 715 -0155 <br />Email: nathan.holleman(a)ncagr gov <br />Email: jeff.camdenAncagr aov <br />NGO Form 0009 ContractC over Governmental Entities <br />Eff. 9/2005 <br />P— A. .A719nn7 nnnno 19nnno iw7nin nirnnAr.c P�nc z „f 4 <br />