<br />Oversees the 3R fee program contained within the tax billing
<br />Oversees the Chapel Hill Stormwater Management fee as it appears on tax bills; collects and
<br />reports collection of fees to the Town of Chapel Hill.
<br />Oversees the issuance and collection of beverage licenses for Orange County; maintains
<br />accounting and reporting system.
<br />Interacts with staff, taxpayers, and the general public such as attomeys, realtors, etc. in the
<br />interpretation and explanation of laws governing the billing and collection of Ad Valorem tax;
<br />maintains knowledge of Federal and State statutes governing appraisal, billing, and collection.
<br />Receives andlor reviews various records and reports such as inquiries and concerns from
<br />citizens, reports of outstanding balances, budget data, law changes, and request for information
<br />from tax database.
<br />Refers to North Carolina Machinery Act laws, Federal bankruptcy code, USPAP standards, North
<br />Carolina General Statutes, Revaluation Schedule of Values, correspondence with North Carolina
<br />Department of Revenue, guidelines from the UNC School of Government, policy and procedure.
<br />manuals, codes /laws /regulations, publications and reference texts, etc.
<br />Operates a vehicle and a variety of office equipment and machinery such as telephone, adding
<br />machine, copy machine, fax machine, computer, printer, etc.
<br />Uses a variety of supplies such as North Carolina Machinery Act GS 105, Schedule of Values,
<br />Personnel Ordinance, general office supplies, etc.; and a variety of computer software such as
<br />County's AppraisaUBilling/Collection System, Microsoft Outlook, ESRI ArcView/GIS, Munis,
<br />Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc.
<br />Interacts and communicates with various groups and individuals such as Board of County
<br />Commissioner, County Manager, attorneys, employees of Revenue/Assessment/Orange County,
<br />other government officials, and the general public.
<br />Receives and/or reviews various records and reports such as County Manager and Board of
<br />County Commissioners inquiries and issues, budgetary data for Countyfjurisdictions, taxpayer
<br />inquiries/appeals, data related to Revaluation, and personnel issues.
<br />Prepares andlor processes various records and reports such as answers to Board of County
<br />Commissioners and County Manager's inquiries, budgetary estimates for County~urisdictions,
<br />responses to taxpayer inquiries/appeals, countywide sales data, and responses to Personnel.
<br />Deals with vendors in review of their systems, equipment, or service; evaluates the usefulness of
<br />these in County operation.
<br />Assists staff when necessary in dealing with outside agencies in the completion of task.
<br />Performs general administrative/office duties as required, including preparing reports and
<br />correspondence, entering and retrieving computer data, copying and filing documents, answering
<br />the telephone, eta
<br />