Orange County NC Website
� <br /> J� <br /> as general abligation bonds, or as alterna�ive financing. <br /> 3. Provide to fhe BOCC in the fall, preferably in September 2009, a status report <br /> an the 2001 bond projects, including the amount of 2001 bond funds {or <br /> substituted alterna#ive financir�g) thafi was spent or� eacn project. <br /> 4. Adopt the "'Capital Project Manitoring and Administratiue Pro�edures" in <br /> principle and provide the two school systems with an opportunity to camment. <br /> TW� ADDITIONAL POlNTS <br /> Gommissioner Gordon made twa additional paints abaut the capital praject <br /> ordinances. <br /> A. The Lands Legacy capital project orc[inance was added to the agenda. <br /> Cammissioner Gordon noted that the Lar�ds �egacy capital project ordinance <br /> was added ta the agenda for this item, and therefore that ordinance should be <br /> inc[uded in the ones that are approved. <br /> See the dark pink sheet that had the revised a�enda item alang with the <br /> ardinance. <br /> B. Gary Humphreys provided ansvvers to questions in the second mema (6-2e). <br /> Commissioner Gordon also noted that the Commissioners received an email <br /> from Gary Humphreys giving answers ta questions in her secand memo, and <br /> she read same of fihe answers infio the recard, <br /> Carnmissioner Jacobs said that�t the meeting in May he raised a <br /> questian about the Schoal Capi#al Reserve Fund, which Gary Humphreys was <br /> not clear about—what it was, where the maney eame fram, and what its original <br /> purpose had besn. <br /> Gary Hurnphreys said it has been budgeted for construcfion and a lot of <br /> ather different purpases in the past. SQme af it was transferred back to the <br /> general fund. <br /> Commissianer Jacobs asked for staff to ga through and find when the <br /> fund was started and history and how it was used and if it is necessary in 2009- <br /> 1 U. <br /> A motion was rnade by Comrnissioner Gordon, seeanded by <br /> Cammissioner Nelson to: <br /> 'I. Approve the amended capital praject ardinances, as revised by the <br /> Commissioners during their discussion. This means that it is the capital project <br /> ordinances themselves that are being approved, and not the text explaining the <br /> ardinances in other parks af the agenda materials. <br /> 2. Apprave the fol[owing statement with respect to the relationship of the 20U1 <br /> bands and alternative financing: <br />