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~-I~G~c hr~en-~" a 4 <br />Capital Proiect Monitorinu and Administration Procedures <br />I. Capital Proiect Ordinances <br />Abstracts for the adoption of Capital Project Ordinances will clearly explain the <br />purpose of the Capital Project, anticipated timeframe for the project, the revenue <br />sources funding tfie project and the anticipated timing for receiving those <br />revenue sources. Abstracts far Amendments to existing Capital Project <br />Ordinances shall clearly state the reason for the amendment. <br />Project Ordinances will be balanced as to revenue and expenditures. <br />When funding is being moved from one project to another project the term <br />"Transfer to other Project" and "Transfer from other Project" will not be used in <br />Capital Project Ordinances to identify the Source of Revenue in a project or the <br />use of funds. This type of account will not used in MUNIS. The original source <br />of funds (ex. 2001 Bond Funds, AlterriatNe Financing, Transfer General Fund) <br />will be maintained in order to properly idenfrfy and track the type of funds being <br />used. This will also eliminate the use of transfers within the same fund which is <br />not in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). <br />11. Contracts related to Capital Projects <br />Departments should not proceed with a capital project until a Capital Project <br />Ordinance is approved which provides adequate funding to proceed. <br />Contracts related to capital projects which are brought to the Board of County <br />Commissioners for approval will be reviewed by the Financial Services Budget <br />Office to determine if there is currently a Capital Project Ordinance in place to <br />totally fund the contract. If sufficient funds are not currently appropriated a <br />Capital Project Ordinance or Amendment will be brought forward to fund the <br />contract at the time the contract is presented to the Board for approval. <br />I11.Reviewing Capital Proiect Activity <br />Departments will be responsible for reviewing the information and financial <br />activity on the Munis system related to their capital projects on a regular basis. <br />Any potential problems identified or questionable transactions should be <br />addressed on ~ a proactive basis. This would include such items as anticipated <br />revenue that is not showing on MUNIS as being received, transactions on Munis <br />for which there are questions, or project budget amounts which do not appear to <br />agree with approved Project Ordinances. <br />The Financial Services Department will review the Capital Project Funds <br />quarterly. Project budgets in Munis will be reviewed by the Budget Office to <br />insure that they agree with adopted ordinances and that budgeted project <br />revenue and expenditures are equal. The projects will also be reviewed for <br />indications of problems such as budgeted revenue which has not been received <br />