<br />~ _ •
<br />. ~ •.
<br />.~.
<br />N,,.,,: ~ o ~ ~ i7-~~
<br />C©~n~y s~e~~he~s local
<br />e~viroazmen~l ef~orts
<br />bather we are exploring the
<br />Working with ~otlier local ova b~ purehase~rad fo
<br />'einvirolltIIentai e ~ rnments, Fa1L The fhls
<br />~pexts and private local
<br />advocates, the comrrizssiollers' efforts s#~ddle property
<br />have also brought•to fruition a biennial lilae Easf pf ~ertfY
<br />State of the Environment report, which In Oran....Roadj yt,;}h 13 ss
<br />looks at past anti present~enyiront„<..._: 6 acre
<br />data at a•local io-.-, -~{t;}ISDpY,SEPTEt~6ER3.2,zoDS afld 22S
<br />new bike trans at LnttlP n:_. '` - CAROLINA
<br />Park, or sitting . THE HEill+i-a'SUN ~ ti~i~, Nom .
<br />outside the old courthouse ~.~~ ~~~ i Stencil
<br />for granted holy lucky we a ~e~;~-~~ +~~ °~'Id~no
<br />rounded by the pristine beat ®~a~.~e ~~~~~ ~. ~ p_
<br />Orange COUnty., Keid~saidlgswitewsatlu~e ~ n•°~~~oA~a ~ ha
<br />~rl reCeIIt years, Oran a COt dtsstt,theybezan~q want ~ life's .
<br />g ~sioners' me5en ~ '``~""` i~t~ ~ ~e `~' ~, gents,
<br />Anent has made a concentrate. ~,~~ to the ~afalarge p ~rictobecotdwnxa~eTyo~ ' wprtt
<br />SBTV@3 ofP~~landinBtn6 ~CObiosw~'a°dthearboro- ~Fn S~k ~~ed- "IYs ~.
<br />ensure that olir beautiful sane move ~TTe Re-
<br />will remain for generations to p~aie arboretum ~,,, z„~l~p., ~ same p~~ b~ ~ t° re
<br />sY ¢MIiY CpAttt~ s ~ ~t°i~ ~ ~~'mcouldba~vaslvtse Ahas about, a may 'll~~f
<br />Pose efforts have, in large pa $$ T _ ~ a~e~ ad u ~ mow, ao mt~e~~' ~°~~Sebe ko~ w~ s~tarte~d bY~iodtviduals, ~~-
<br />Carotl-
<br />Court y Commissioners, who 1 at~u~e end ~~~~"~Of ~" r `~a ~a ~ t~c~~ ~~~ -'~ ~~a ~-i ~ ° ~°w `fit ~
<br />' borostt5Ai14i~~~ ~ A'g~amas°u~ndYthev~aa'Id hivasivo~ ~aremarY.ed treasuteexistsm w~baspro-
<br />yeats, have created various gr0' weesaadshrui~ y~canlya- growattiwarbor~a a:,~altms~~65makes ssv~ ~ ~~ adjaceot to Ve
<br />initiatives Yo focus Orl envlrOIIrn ~~ ~,~ ,sbrabs ~ ~P~ ~e ~oakaeo~ t+imo~•"~~ axe F;si~D~`-"``lea-. ~f
<br />tection. In the ast decal COm: h~'i~o~Isre`~ al a3apan a native ap~,~ not ~ndgoodtagswn„.,a„e,,,,,_.--~ - u~
<br />~~ d educatmn bark ems, ~ ~tymore; a pme DakeIInivw'"' -• t4
<br />ers have.cieated a Commission i a nose~,^g~'~~'° S.`ea t°°>n (Co„~,• provide
<br />_.s.....
<br />Environixlent, a Environment anc ' - •r+u~ ale examples of the Board of ' u'p'on p~e2l
<br />Resources Conservation De grange County Co~ssioners and so
<br />most recently, a county-wide~Aelit and; trfany other grow
<br />aimed'at the preservation of o.Pe grpace ! can ensure ~ bright future for generations
<br />and. natural areas. ~ to come. .
<br />THE CHAAEL Fl(LL tiFllAL,D -
<br />
<br />ovv~ers hive benefited corn uni
<br />hey seem to pop up like a Jack in the
<br />Box, a new development here, another
<br />one there. The good news is that we are
<br />one of the fastest growing areas ire the state;
<br />we are attractive m oYhersandmore andmore
<br />people want to livefrere and enjoy the high
<br />quality of life here.
<br />That means more houses, more cxatraete-
<br />The new developments go np wsth names
<br />recalling the natural featare they displaced to
<br />make way for the new homes or the new strip to retain as much of the green space as theq
<br />meas.
<br />And our very amactiveness becomes the
<br />less
<br />homogenised
<br />reason we become denser can
<br />They do that through zoning and other'or&-
<br />,
<br />,
<br />less attractive.
<br />diverse ~~ out there is only so much local off4
<br />,
<br />Orange County is suburbanizing qusckly. dais can da without the help of local citizens.
<br />Whathadbeen,unf~lfairlyt~entIy,apcedoan- ~. a few words of thanks are in order to
<br />inaptly rural county -once you got out of Everete and Lewis Cheek; Is~ark and I.ari
<br />Chapel IiiU, Carrboro or Hillsborough -has VoiPe, earl ana Elizabeth Walters, and Glsnn
<br />been losing its fatlnland and its green space at Tapp and Rhonda Long,
<br />a steady rate, Att these Orange County propertq ow~rs
<br />It's why local governments have been trying Have iA recent days granted agricuItnral con-
<br />nervation easements to the county for same of
<br />their land or sold property to alocal conserva-
<br />tion group.
<br />11tat means their land will be protected in
<br />perpetuitq from development. The property
<br />owners have helped preserve farmtand•aiong
<br />Aairytand Road and in Cedar Grove, and dif .
<br />fetrnt pieces of riVerfront property along the
<br />Eno Riven
<br />By doing so, all these landowners have made
<br />certain tbatcutrentresidents oeOrange Coun-
<br />ty as well as our children ana grandchildren
<br />will be able to enjoy an area that offers mare
<br />than cement and siding.
<br />AfI the landowners probably could have
<br />done better=at least SnanciailY-by sailing
<br />their properties to a developer. But rather than
<br />the quick profit, they kroked to the longtime
<br />future -not just of themselves and their chii-
<br />drEn, but of their coauntutity. •
<br />All of ns who want Orange County to stay at
<br />least a little green are in their debt..
<br />