<br />Th.c Chapel Mill. News
<br />i=~i~ay, .3uly ~.~, 2000
<br />range
<br />cr~a~es
<br />a legacy
<br />o land
<br />County aims to save
<br />pristine foxes#s and
<br />piaoes to play. ,
<br />I,ands.Lcgacy .
<br />,~®~~n.recelves
<br />pant t®pr~se~e
<br />. coun~Y farn~l~d .
<br />e~~o wo5 918-1035
<br />~sgoR.OUGH-'P'fed~`a m~t~-
<br />fox more thatt three cptart~ .
<br />to PT~o~s ~ `~ acres ~ artm
<br />The great of $8`1S,G85 eon e~ch-
<br />DeP~~ ~ program ~ a~
<br />lands Pro ~,stoPyrctt.
<br />edbp cayyt9 . ~
<br />ds ieE~'
<br />~~and B~~ghihe~ y ~~~
<br />Progr~'-Tha ~ro~ aym~wableto
<br />five Y~ ~ ~~ of prlvatel9-O~~
<br />' presen' areas wtth the
<br />~ervatzd on ass ~roftfie~tY's
<br />Dave Stanch, ~~ urn Gonserva'
<br />Envisouraent and drat ~ new ~~
<br />~r~ ~p forward far the pro'
<br />graam`' tyre is such a p~ Stan-
<br />13Y SYEPHAAtd HARRIS e~A mg and^r~t~e~~ ~eldt?nd
<br />The News & Observer -...- - -~ -- .---- - - -
<br />Orange County env
<br />of~iciaLs have.begun an
<br />camgazgn to preserve
<br />of acres of land, hoping ~ .,~ ; ' .,, ~' ' "` ' z~
<br />county's swaths of we ~< '.°.. ' ~ , ~~ ~`~'~`
<br />>-~ • r
<br />lands and open fields it k``~':: ,+'"! ~ .~
<br />Tile Lands Legacy pT :. ~: Qom'' ' ,
<br />Of OYiIV a 1.---
<br />ey Brent tantrosier
<br />'fames-News
<br />Mach of the land between
<br />Hillsborough and Mebane
<br />along t7.S 70 eouid be a hot
<br />area for development fa the
<br />nett fewyears, butrtot ail of it
<br />lust off the noisy highwal,
<br />east of Efland, is 83 acres of
<br />untonctted hardwood forest
<br />near the Eno River, aa,r -^-
<br />cials *~ ^-^-
<br />over McGowaas Creek [a We
<br />natare preserve.
<br />His answer "To profact a
<br />watetshed bat also to Protect
<br />some green space. There wilt
<br />be fewer and fewer of these
<br />areasleft°
<br />Duke University Dace
<br />owned the AfeGowaa Creek
<br />land aS part oC Duke Forest
<br />The ttnivv*°a... had plans to
<br />pens, but the
<br />~/ .1~'v _ '. ,~ ~ in. Orange
<br />®~-~-~ ~ ~,].1. ~ t0 ~ able t0 0,00o forkite
<br />s they will be eh was state
<br />be grandparents, were .acid.
<br />titer d when they 'tnrnedlnto
<br />HE, Stag W of today are ii}cety ere aroun with hiking
<br />gy ANNg BLS tie ch[idren rat areas that w Eno liiver
<br />now, when d and natty ~ borders,
<br />GH --Years from a farmian uisition of three a ~anP it
<br />ildren some of the sam
<br />HiLLSBORGV raved the aGG es. atlon alze,
<br />show their grandch issianers app Grail up on 329 act
<br />f Gomm '°s of fbe
<br />youngsters. -., county Board o neighborhoodswlti no `hernnn-
<br />_ +t,at new the Carl and Elizat~eth >g with
<br />$ this mon _~Al-Went on errlerit from dark p me
<br />During ~° meeting ~~ ass Mo ~ - ~~-acre ens
<br />ation Basemen NDAY juNE7 zoos niFCNAraN~uH~• . -°ar Hdlsborough• rORiver
<br />G011SeN ~ iaturat '
<br />:~ ~~ e
<br />~ the board apprO~ ~ warir~
<br />On flee. in narthweSte' ~ .. - .. a»n
<br />Waiters 'farm tract a ~ ~~p~~~~e ze ez
<br />and Lori Volpe far a .
<br />'any ~,~~~~ ~. ::w .
<br />g the board aPl ~'~°~ gun ~ ~~~~~,~. ® ¢~
<br />ty isn't what ft used to.be. ~~" 4.~ ~~
<br />On {3eG• ~ of~ ~atltusedtot>crof
<br />Gheek.jhe 83-a~e P ;aaddarc°~ lsr~a'afar+eaawcl~,~~ :.-:
<br />CarrbOCO, and contains ~ rr ~ ~~.~1 w~a ~eerablra. e"d .io ate, ~~ ~nFied with gnat
<br />AsrepOrt~'~PhotgforsonratimenoA% getepayene ar8ect~dtoaypw~eco chtag
<br />tecentiyinthet~rfit~t~ot'PherEtIl ~ucoxnoted farms mvolynga~t88E°m~ oa three ~
<br />'tobacco term ~rowing gaoy Program k ~Portant7 .a= • •+
<br />~ sf ~m ins ids fadicg iao O o~ ~nds~ Formal font years a o~ sa ia: 11' x'iJl a ~ ~~ Ora°a~&'e C~oonrYckarr• ~` r.~x.
<br />PortaaG ~'er'bee
<br />~d>hgPast" ~geCbun{y d~iEaedoxp g the we• h+geornmuaf < f'.2'": .
<br />acres. Yeats ~° 1k58coxr The ~y it do~ea ~ e~anpr9gram is ~~~ avita629 on the road to b ty amain' "~ ° , ~^~
<br />andnow~dBV°ttaltoroba~~mabout2,3p0 ~emcorson LD~Yoonserv Rielanda PartbPthearerurbantzin Aga .'~_' .s
<br />_ ~. g
<br />eyes. dtet'eJslesstbagl~p~kabout ~ @~Placg' Dina kthe~~bat~t~ o+s~ ~Parmsbf0aan$e(~tYtax "
<br />~+ r devoloAfie>K~ ProPetY3:aar1 °ntutrae T~ts,inPat2~ourlegaep p~~r 0f the Orange
<br />-. .~ -<-.- . -. Preserve ~ saber r,a~ They are
<br />fHCh Shaw steads beside a Large chimney on the GS acres acquired by the Orange Coumy tar r~ ,.a addlfioa IO oar history, ~, also at'e our reek.'Ih~a co~irrt
<br />Legacy program. Shaw is trot sure of the age of the chimney but thinks i< vrould be a good stop vwalldrsg tra(I`vrt~llTe"aa'Jurw,o ... _, ,
<br />on a planned walking tang tlxoygh the nature preserve: ty paid 5280,000 for the parkland. '
<br />Editorial
<br />®range County deserves cxedit for its spate
<br />of land acquisition:forpnrks and open
<br />space. Parks are nice now, and they'll be even
<br />more important in the future.
<br />The latest acquisition is another gear, The
<br />county will Fay $2.1 minion to the Blackwood
<br />f~rr,Sir f .~ f.,,-...e« .~..:.... t.,...... ~...c..........
<br />c n r / ::r ~ - s ;.:c gram's land conseivatiom mao-
<br />~~._ _ r' "+,rF-,.~.Y.'~`F'+ _ ~''~:'ti . ~ •~ . ~,• ~~~ Ager asked a8 he looked Out
<br />