Orange County NC Website
Approved 2/2/11 <br />243 <br />244 Tommy McNeill: The point I would make is now that you would have someone on the staff for those who may not be literate to <br />245 walk through this process, we provide that kind of service to help them understand the complexity. <br />246 <br />247 Craig Benedict: Yes. We have tried to make this as user friendly as possible but this is not what we will give our customers. We <br />248 do have to take them through the process with Michael Harvey's department. He is working on a brochure to narrow down the <br />249 places to look in the document. <br />250 <br />251 Tommy McNeill: The reason I ask that is that I don't think we are looking for anything that would impede growth, I think we are <br />252 trying to move forward an area that is simplistic. Someone walks in and gets assistance to open a small business and follow the <br />253 guidelines and work with Michael Harvey's office and get assistance with the ordinance to make sure it is in compliance. <br />254 <br />255 Judith Wegner: It is pretty complicated? <br />256 <br />257 Tommy McNeill: Listening to it, yes. We speak with very simplistic terms but if you look at the county, there are a lot of <br />258 individuals in the County that may not be as smart as Craig and they may need assistance in getting through this process and we <br />259 want to ensure the playing field is level. <br />260 <br />261 May Becker. I have a question about what happens if the Special Use Permit is granted and the property is sold and such, is the <br />262 use still designated as special use? <br />263 <br />264 Craig Benedict: Yes, in the case of a Special Use Permit, that special use permit does not mean they are rezoning the property, <br />265 it is using their base zoning. It is either approved or denied. If it is denied, they can't have it in that area or they schedule <br />266 another meeting of the Board of Adjustment to try to change the application to meet the standard. There are some very specific <br />267 standards within special use permits and there are general standards. They are not as specific and that means the project meets <br />268 the health, safety and welfare of the general neighborhood or it may enhance the property value. There is a generality there. <br />269 You can't be over subjective but there are a few general standards that are a part of that process but if they are meeting the <br />270 specific standards then you also answer the general standards. <br />271 <br />272 Michael Harvey: One more important thing to remember is that once it is issued the applicant by ordinance and by conditions <br />273 imposed by the approving body, a permit has to be recorded at the Register of Deeds office. This approval runs with the land so <br />274 if I get approval to operate a child care facility that means it is a legal use of that property. I can sell it to someone else but it will <br />275 be a daycare facility. If it is used for something else there may be a need to come back before the Board to seek re approval of <br />276 that use. <br />277 <br />278 Craig Benedict: Could you start out with a bed and breakfast and tum it into a country inn. You can see there is a description of <br />279 the bed and breakfast there are a certain number of beds but if they increase it in size, that is not allowed. There is a limitation <br />280 and they would need to come back for a Class A Permit. <br />281 <br />282 Judith Wegner: The general concept is that the more substantial possible impact, it ramps up to the elected board rather than to <br />283 an appointed board. <br />284 <br />285 Tommy McNeill: What type of enforcement do you have? <br />286 <br />287 Craig Benedict: We monitor that closely. We know where all the special use permits are and we monitor on at least an annual <br />288 basis. This is more limited to a certain area. <br />289 <br />290 Larry Wright: We have had cases before the Board of Adjustment where we would have really liked to have granted something <br />291 to an applicant but we are not the Board of Commissioners so we must go by the ordinances. <br />292 <br />293 Tommy McNeill: When it is a close call, what is the process for the applicant? <br />294 <br />295 Larry Wright: We vote on it, has the case been made by the applicant and those who oppose the application, and then we must <br />296 weigh those. Since I have been on the Board, you don't really get a strong opposition on some of these. <br />297 <br />298 Judith Wegner. Kennels have been a real issue for people because the way kennels are defined, there is not an intermediate <br />299 modest kennel. Is everyone comfortable with this? You can get a general district that you can do a whole range of things or you <br />300 have an existing district and then come in for a permit for a particular use. <br />301 <br />302 Craig Benedict: I will go over a few different avenues for different options. The ones across the top are general use districts that <br />303 have a list of permitted uses, a list of SUP's in there, the special processes. If someone wants to open a dance studio in AR, it is <br />5 <br />9 <br />