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Approved 2/2/11 <br />304 blank and they cannot unless they get rezoned. They are not going to rezone in AR because it is not allowed. They may go to a <br />305 Limited Commercial 1 category, they may ask for a rezoning. If they just ask for an LC1 it is called a general use rezoning and <br />306 they want to place an LC1 on the map, we have other criteria that says is an LC1 appropriate in that area. A lot of the transition <br />307 areas in the county that are activity nodes. When they ask for that LC1 in White Cross, they only have to ask for an AR to LC1 <br />308 rezoning. They do not have to bring forward a site plan. We have very few of these rezoned in the county because when you <br />309 give an LC1, you give them the list of all the LC1s that are on these 200. When you ask for a general use rezoning, you don't get <br />310 the site plan and a very important thing is that you cannot set conditions. That is why the general use rezoning process is <br />311 somewhat limited in what you can ask for. The State has another category which is called Conditional Districts which are more <br />312 general. You can rezone and set conditions in both cases so when that process of rezoning, which is legislative, which does not <br />313 have to have those iron clad standards. It is a policy decision of the Commissioners with recommendations used from the <br />314 Planning Board. It is a lot easier to deny because it is a legislative process. <br />315 <br />316 Larry Wright: It would be nice if section 10 had a definition of Conditional Districts and it was in terms of Conditional Use and <br />317 Conditional Zoning. <br />318 <br />319 Judith Wegner. I have written about this stuff because I teach about property and things and for a long time, Conditional Use <br />320 was thought of as potentially Contract Zoning where the local government would agree that if you come in with a particular <br />321 proposal and give us goodies to go with it, we will approve it but we won't necessarily limit it to particular types of uses so at <br />322 some point, the legislature decided to approve Conditional Districts that would allow you to set up a mechanism that would limit <br />323 out of its whole range of 50 possible uses in that district limited to only a few in keeping with what you were proposing to do. It <br />324 gets more complicated because Conditional Zoning Districts were added as a further amendment to the statutes later and that <br />325 terminology is confounding to people because it sounds very much the same but the point here is to do with whatever is going to <br />326 be an SUP in question so it gets to be technically confusing to people. <br />327 <br />328 Craig Benedict: We are going to try to lock in about three different types here today. We have the General Use. I think you have <br />329 abetter idea that when someone asks for a General Use, you cannot set conditions, you do not get. a site plan because that is <br />330 done later After somebody gets the LC1 then is a permitted use in LC1 then they bring their site plan to staff and it gets <br />331 approved. <br />332 <br />333 Samantha Cabe: Larry, there is a definition that is just Conditional Use District on page 10-7. <br />334 <br />335 Craig Benedict: When we talked with Brian and Judith when were explaining something, we were using General, Specific or <br />336 Conditional. I think that needs to be separated into two areas. One is that you cannot set conditions in this one and the one <br />337 where you can set conditions is called Conditional Districts. <br />338 <br />339 Samantha Cabe: Is it Conditional District or Conditional Use District? <br />340 <br />341 Craig Benedict: This is the main heading and there are two categories under that. This is the way the statute says there is <br />342 Conditional Districts and there is the Conditional Use slot or the Conditional Zoning Districts. Both are considered Conditional <br />343. Districts. This was the original construct and having the rezoning to say we will approve your rezoning with a list of bigger <br />344 buffers, different access, etc. <br />345 <br />346 Judith Wegner: A subset of what otherwise would be permissible in the General Use District. <br />347 <br />348 Craig Benedict: The Conditional Use has some similarities to the Special Use Process. In the SUP process under General Use, <br />349 you are seeing the specific site plan and set conditions because the general use is in place already. <br />350 <br />351 Judith Wegner: If you were the elected Board making the decision, you would have the possibility of someone coming in to say <br />352 let us have any 50 uses by redistrict or rezoning this to the LC1 or else you were the proponent of that, you would talk to staff <br />353 and they said that is such a wide spread you will have harder time convincing people that is a good idea if you decide you only <br />354 want a subset of everything in the LC1 option and you only as for a dance studio to be a subset slice of that with a permit that <br />355 gives you even further constraint that is much more likely to be acceptable to the elected Board and to the neighborhood <br />356 because it will constrain you more. <br />357 <br />358 Samantha Cabe: It is important for the public to understand that all these things that have an A or B in different uses on the table <br />359 don't have to go through that new process. If you live in an AR and you want to have a child daycare facility nothing changes for <br />360 you, nothing changes for you. A majority of businesses that come up in these areas, there are still a lot of As and Bs there so <br />361 nothing changes for the majority of people. <br />362 <br />363 Craig Benedict: We have not changed our role in this. Part of the Phase 1 UDO was to take all the General Use zoning districts <br />364 and all the Class As and Bs and leave them the same as they are. <br />10 <br />