Orange County NC Website
12 <br />2. Mini-Grant Program <br />Groups of employees may request a grant up to $250 to be used for support of health-related activities, <br />such as Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less or Weight Watchers at Work, or for exercise equipment <br />(exercise bands, yoga mats). Employees will complete an application and submit it to the Wellness <br />Committee for consideration. Grants wilt be awarded based on the number of employees making the <br />request, number of employees expected to benefit, alignment of request with the results of the Health <br />Assessment's top risk areas, and level of support from the requestors and the requestors' department <br />director if appropriate. A sample application is attached. <br />3. Wellness Day(s) <br />Two activity-filled events will be scheduled for spring and late fall emphasizing ways to improve health by <br />increasing activity during the work day, eating healthier meals, drinking water, and reducing stress. <br />Classes will be offered in tai chi, yoga, desk exercises and on topics such as visiting a fitness center for <br />the first time, and nutritional lunches throughout the day. There will be outdoor activities such as jump <br />rope, hula hoops, and stretching demonstrations. A healthy lunch will be provided. The Orange SLICE <br />Superstars will be recognized at each event, as well as individuals who have participated in the <br />County/NCACC sponsored challenges. Employees will sponsor booths related to indoor and outdoor <br />activities (hunting/fishing, gardening, Sportsplex, pets, etc.) that contribute towards stress reduction. <br />4. Passport to Wellness <br />The NCACC designed passport has been revised for Orange County employees. This Challenge <br />encourages employees to earn points for healthy behaviors. <br />On-Going Programs: <br />Orange County Tobacco Free Program <br />The Orange County Tobacco Cessation Program provides information given to every new employee <br />along with QuitLine information. Tobacco cessation information and brochures, NC QuitLine referral <br />cards, and information on NCACC discounts on tobacco cessation tools (e.g. nicotine gum, patches) are <br />available to assist employees/members who wish to quit tobacco use. More information on the County <br />Health Plan benefits, including the County Health Plan's discount programs and the $0 co-pay for over <br />the counter tobacco cessation products are readily available to employees. <br />Recent signage emphasizes the Orange County Tobacco Free Zone policy in which no tobacco use is <br />permitted within a 50 foot radius of all Health and Human Services buildings. <br />Flu Clinics <br />We will continue to offer multiple flu clinics to members in the fall. One of these will be in conjunction <br />with an Employee Wellness Day. In 2010, the Human Resources and Health Department partnered to <br />provide immunizations to over 200 employees, retirees and their dependents. <br />Walking Days <br />Walking Days will continue to be hosted in various locations throughout the county. In 2009, we <br />coordinated two walks. In 2010, six walks were led by members of the Wellness Committee or other <br />employees. Walks will continue to be held during lunch time and will provide employees an opportunity <br />`to step out and step up for better health." Walkers will be encouraged to take the first steps to improve <br />their health, boost their energy levels and mood, learn about the benefits of walking and ways in which <br />they can incorporate a daily walk into their routine. Incentives for participation will be provided and will <br />highlight safety while walking. <br />Approximately 50 employees enrolled in the NCACC fall challenge, Walktober, with one employee <br />earning a spot in the top 25 walkers among all state-wide participants. We will continue to encourage <br />employees to participate in NCACC activities. <br />