Orange County NC Website
American Lung Association UNKNOWN <br />American Cancer Society UNKNOWN <br />American Heart Association UNKNOWN <br />Local Health Department YES <br />Local Hospital Resources YES <br />Local Physicians YES <br />Local Physical Therapists YES <br />Local Nurses YES <br />Local Health Club YES, County provides <br />discount to S orts lex <br />Voluntary Agencies (Specify which ones) <br />Local Universities YES <br />Local YMCA/YWCA YES <br />Local Vendors YES <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <br />11 <br />4. Provide a description of the wellness program being proposed for consideration for the <br />grant. <br />New components: <br />1. Orange SLICE Superstars Employee Recognition <br />The 2011 Program will include awards to employees who are nominated by their peers for their <br />commitment to personal wellness. An "Orange SLICE Superstar" could be someone who has made <br />significant changes in behavior resulting in improved health or weight loss, or an individual who <br />consistently practices healthy behavior and is an example to others. All nominees will be recognized, <br />with their release, interviewed for a feature article in an employee communication and would receive <br />special awards. A sample nomination form is attached. <br />