Minutes - 19961217
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19961217
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11/21/2013 3:36:18 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:30:18 PM
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Agenda - 12-17-1996
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895 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown to not <br />support items #1 and #3 under "Environmental Protection" , as stated above, and to adopt the remainder of <br />the items as listed by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR 12ECI5I9N = REGULAR AGENDA <br />g, D OM IC VIOLENCE GRANT AWARD <br />John Link made this presentation. The grant from the Department of Crime Control and Public <br />Safety for Domestic Violence Support Team will provide funds to expand the services that the Orange <br />County Sheriff Department is able to offer victims of domestic violence. This new award will allow funding <br />for a full-time Support Counsel. <br />Megan Pearson, Hudson Fuller and Major Don Truelove gave a brief report on what is happening <br />with domestic violence. The calls have increased by about 20 each month from last year. In 80% of the <br />homes where there is domestic violence, the children are also abused. Last year the Sheriffs Office <br />received a total of 981 calls. This year so far the total is 1,035. They also work with UNC, Hillsborough, <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro which add to that number. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis; seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />and accept the grant award from the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety for domestic Violence <br />Support Team. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT = TEMPORARY EVENTS <br />Planner Mary Willis made the presentation. She made reference to-the concerns expressed at <br />the last Board of County Commissioners' meeting and reviewed how these concerns have been addressed. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the definition of Temporary Events and the number of <br />days that they would be allowed -- seven (7) days in a thirty (30) day period or not more than fifty (50) days _ <br />per year. She feels that that is a considerable number of days and seems more ongoing than temporary. <br />.A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown to reduce the <br />number of days from 50 per year to 30 per year. <br />Commissioner Carey stated his opposition to this because he feels that the proposed amendment <br />already has constraints which would mitigate the impact on neighbors. <br />VOTE: AYES, 2; NOS, 3 (Commissioners Carey, Crowther and Halkiotis) <br />Commissioner Gordon said that her concern with this proposed amendment is about commercial <br />activity taking place in residential areas. It is a significant change to the residential definition and goes <br />beyond the impact of home occupation. She believes it is too much of an infringement on neighbors. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Brown to limit the <br />noise level of the boundaries of the area included in the Special Use Permit between 7:00 a.m and 7:00 p.m. <br />to 50 decibels and to 45 decibels between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight, with quiet times between midnight <br />and 7:00 a.m. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VOTE ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS AMENDED ABOVE <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for Articles 8.8.14, 4.3, 6.16.17, and Article 22 including revisions <br />as approved above and including the revisions to address concerns raised at the 12/2/96 Board of <br />Commissioners meeting and to change the name from Temporary Events to Special Events. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOS, 2 (Commissioners Brown and Gordon) <br />C.. <br />C UNIVERSITY MANOR P S 1= APPROVAL OF CONS V TION EASEMENT-
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