Orange County NC Website
Geoffrey Gledhill said that the County has not agreed to any extension of extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction and that for the most part Chapel Hill has developed most of its extraterritorial jurisdiction <br />and so has Carrboro. The major remaining area the towns can develop will be in the Joint Planning <br />areas. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the added item -- analysis of the impacts of growth <br />and development and asked that the County proceed with developing this analysis for all new <br />development. <br />Marvin Collins said that the County Commissioners need to make decisions about the inputs <br />into this analysis. He still would like the Board to look at the integrated system and how it can be utilized. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the added item -- discussion on affordable housing -- <br />and asked when the County Commissioners will receive a recommendation on how to address current <br />issues related to providing reimbursement of impact fees. John Link said that this recommendation will <br />be in January or February. Tara Fikes said that this recommendation will also include how the County <br />will treat nonprofits and other kinds of development. <br />John Link said that he will be asking the board if they want to seek local legislation on <br />considering an actual exemption for a certain type of housing for the elderly. His reason for requesting <br />this exemption is that this housing does not generate any children. Commissioner Carey supports this <br />idea. Commissioner Gordon said that Mark Royster, Chair of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School <br />Board, has emphasized that the houses that are vacated may have families move into them with <br />children. She feels this change may undermine the rationale of the impact fee. She would rather have <br />an impact tax. <br />Commissioner Carey feels that this issue needs to be discussed because the taxpayers are <br />going to pay for school facilities and this would be an opportunity to support affordable housing through <br />exemption of paying the impact fee. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that if the County Commissioners have an impact tax, there would be <br />more flexibility in exemptions from paying the tax. <br />Commissioner Carey asked for an update on what the County is doing in providing affordable <br />housing. This will be done at the Assembly of Governments meeting in March. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that Orange County is the only jurisdiction that does not discriminate <br />against housing types in its Zoning Ordinance, thereby allowing mobile homes to locate anywhere stick- <br />built houses may be constructed. <br />Commissioner Brown expressed an interest in developing attainable goals on affordable <br />housing and supports coordinating this effort with Carrboro and Chapel Hill. She would like the Board to <br />broaden their view of what is affordable. <br />With regard to conservation easements, Marvin Collins said that a report will be presented to <br />the County Commissioners in February and they can discuss this in detail at that time. Until the land <br />trust is created, the County Commissioners or another agency have the opportunity to serve as the <br />holding agent. It may be that the Conservation Trust of North Carolina can accomplish the same thing <br />until the County Commissioners create a land trust. <br />Commissioner Brown will work on a goal for setting up such a program. <br />With reference to the item about Water and Sewer Service Area Designation plans, <br />Commissioner Carey said that a report from the Water and Sewer Boundary Committee would be given <br />at the County Commissioners' first meeting in January. <br />3. Brief update and future direction: county jurisdiction solid waste options - <br />roadside pick-up or convenience centers, or others