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6 <br /> 1 A motion was made by Chair Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve, in <br /> 2 principle, subject to County Attorney review, an amendment to the Contract with UNC Hospitals for an <br /> 3 additional Medicaid Caseworker. <br /> 4 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 14. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> 8 A. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT - TEMPORARY EVENTS <br /> 9 Planner Mary Willis presented background information as stated in the agenda. The <br /> 10 proposed amendment creates a commercial/service use category called "Temporary Events". <br /> 11 This amendment was requested by Paul Tripodi of Tripodi's Catering to allow the hosting of <br /> 12 wedding receptions on their property. He was available to answer questions. <br /> 13 Commissioner Gordon asked what zoning district this was in and it was determined that it <br /> 14 was Rural Buffer (RB). She said that this is a large change to a residential district and suggested that <br /> 15 specifications be added to require that all parking be on site and that there be minimal off-site noise <br /> 16 impacts. She would like the site plan to be to some scale to indicate specifics. She feels that the sign <br /> 17 should be smaller -- maybe 6 square feet. <br /> 18 Chair Crowther feels that parking on site is important. <br /> 19 Commissioner Brown expressed several concerns which she feels could be added to the <br /> 20 amendment. She feels that off-site noise impacts should be minimum. Planner Mary Willis indicated <br /> 21 that this could be a condition attached to the Special Use Permit. <br /> 22 Commissioner Brown made reference to farm events and feels that it is not clear to the <br /> 23 public that there are no limitations to events on farms and she would like to see this included. An <br /> 24 example of this would be horse shows. She asked about the cost to the applicant for a Special Use <br /> 25 Permit and Mary Willis said that it is about $200. Commissioner Brown asked about notification to <br /> 26 neighbors and Mary Willis said that with any Special Use Permit there is a notification of any property <br /> 27 owner within 500 feet. In answer to Commissioner Brown's question about the inclusion of auctions, <br /> 28 Mary Willis said that it is a matter of looking at the activity to make a determination if it is a bonafide <br /> 29 farm use which would be exempted from the zoning regulations. Commissioner Brown said that she <br /> 30 could not support this amendment unless it specifically exempted auctions which are very traditional <br /> 31 activities in the County. <br /> 32 Commissioner Gordon asked about the courtesy review by Chapel Hill or Carrboro and <br /> 33 Mary Willis said she received no comments back from either one. <br /> 34 Mary Willis clarified that if a farm auction is a commercial activity it would fall under the <br /> 35 "Temporary Events" regulation. A livestock show at Orange Grove would be nonprofit. <br /> 36 Mr. Tripodi said that they have agreed to provide onsite parking. <br /> 37 Commissioner Brown emphasized that her concern is that this does not interfere with any <br /> 38 traditional activities that have gone on in the County. <br /> 39 Mary Willis said that the biggest concern expressed at the Planning Board meeting was how <br /> 40 to define the events precisely enough so that they catch the type of uses they want to catch but still <br /> 41 exclude those that they don't want. <br /> 42 Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to a listing of facilities in Orange County that are <br /> 43 offering to host social functions. He feels that some of these places could not hold the number they <br /> 44 have advertised. <br /> 45 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to table <br /> 46 this item until the next meeting. <br /> 47 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 48 <br />