Minutes - 19961202
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19961202
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Agenda - 12-02-1996
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1996\Agenda - 12-02-1996
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Agenda - 12-02-1996 - 13a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1996\Agenda - 12-02-1996
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RES-1996-055 Resolution Providing Final Approval of Terms and Documents for Southern Village Elementary Financing Project
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4 <br /> 1 7. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br /> 2 a. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 3 Chair Crowther asked that citizens who want to speak to an item on the printed agenda to <br /> 4 please sign up so that they are not overlooked. <br /> 5 b. Matters not on the Printed Agenda - NONE <br /> 7 <br /> 8 PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> 9 Chair Crowther dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 8. BOARD COMMENTS <br /> 12 Commissioner Gordon made reference to the report "Ground Water Recharge Rates in Orange <br /> 13 County" and said that the purpose of the study was a general study of recharge rates basin by basin. It <br /> 14 did not tell us site specific information but it is a very important study which she was instrumental in <br /> 15 getting started. Around 40% of Orange County residents depend on groundwater for their drinking <br /> 16 water. She recognized and thanked Dr. Charles Daniel who was the person from USGS who <br /> 17 conducted and oversaw the study. She recognized Don Cox, Chair of the Water Resources Committee <br /> 18 and County staff persons David Stancil and Paul Thames. Commissioner Gordon thanked <br /> 19 Commissioner Carey for his leadership as Chair during the last six years and asked for a standing <br /> 20 ovation. <br /> 21 Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Commissioner Carey for his leadership during the last six <br /> 22 years. He pledged support to the new chair Bill Crowther. He asked for an update on the one-cent <br /> 23 sales tax proceeds for the first quarter as soon as that information is received. The information so far <br /> 24 is that the County will receive from sales tax revenues $200,000 less this quarter compared to the same <br /> 25 quarter last year. John Link said that he hopes he will have an update by Saturday. Commissioner <br /> 26 Halkiotis said that he will be working with David Stancil and Roscoe Reeve on developing a system, <br /> 27 using the information in the various data bases at the County and the schools, to see exactly where <br /> 28 housing developments are going in and determining from that future school population. He will try to <br /> 29 make a recommendation to the County Commissioners next month. <br /> 30 Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Shaping Orange County's Future Committee <br /> 31 and said that they had a very successful kickoff. There is a lot of enthusiasm on that committee. She <br /> 32 thanked David Stancil for all the fine work he has done working with that committee. <br /> 33 Chair Crowther expressed appreciation to the Orange High School students who participated <br /> 34 in the art exhibit held at the Government Services Center at 6:00 this evening. Elizabeth Dell-Jones is <br /> 35 the coordinator of that program and art exhibit. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 <br /> 38 9. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> 39 John Link reminded the Board about the proposed agenda for Saturday's Goal Setting Retreat. <br /> 40 He noted that the staff has produced the updated goals and that the County Commissioners can expect <br /> 41 to receive additional information from Sally Kost on the revenue trends and projections for the coming <br /> 42 year. It will also show student projections. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 <br /> 45 10. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS - NONE <br /> 46 11. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br /> 47 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br /> 48 <br /> 49 13. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />
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