Minutes - 19961113
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19961113
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Agenda - 11-13-1996
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He did not envision this as a long term interlocal agreement but rather as a contractual <br />agreement. <br />Council member Andresen also felt that a contract would make it easier for an <br />elected body to opt out of the agreement. <br />Commissioner Gordon commented that one of the major problems is that all four <br />governments have to agree in order for the process to move forward. That agreement <br />has not been forthcoming. To move at least one step forward, she asked if the elected <br />officials would consider having all four units of government being a part of the decision <br />making process with only three units being required to make a decision. The <br />responsibilities of the LOG could be put into written form. She also suggested that Duke <br />be contacted to request their involvement in this process. <br />Alderman Gist mentioned that the mission, goals and responsibilities of the LOG <br />have been spelled out and that information is available. <br />Council member Franck commented that setting recycling goals and having input <br />on the tip fee was important to him. <br />Mayor Nelson said he wanted there to be local control of collection issues. <br />Council member Chilton mentioned that he did not want to give up all of the <br />control of the tip fee. <br />Council member Evans wanted to be assured that advances in the area of waste <br />disposal would be considered. <br />Alderman Bryan suggested that a smaller group be formed consisting of <br />representatives of each unit of government. This group could be asked to respond to <br />both Commissioner Gordon's proposal and Commissioner Willhoit's proposal. <br />Chair Carey suggested that the staff and attorney for each unit of government be <br />requested to work together and draft a solid waste management plan and an interlocal <br />agreement. <br />Several members of the group agreed with this suggestion but others thought <br />such a step would be premature. <br />The meeting was divided into small groups to discuss who should make <br />decisions using a tiered model: The Jurisdictions, The County, or the SWM Council <br />(Board). The outcomes of those decisions are listed below: <br />GROUP ONE <br />JURISDICTIONS COUNTY BOARD <br />(Large Decisions) (Medium Decisions) (Small Decisions) <br />• Decisions on policies by • Issue Government • Incorporate Mission <br />3 out of 4 governing Bonds with Interlocal Statement & Goals <br />bodies Agreement (already developed) <br />• Siting Landfill 0 Administrator (CAO) 0 Develop Policies
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