Orange County NC Website
3. Site Conditions: What are the open-space requirements and the topographic, geologic, <br />soil, wetlands, and/or other special features or conditions that circumscribe the <br />development of this parcel? What is the likely effect of such features and conditions on <br />the ability to develop the site? Based on these conditions or constraints, is this an <br />appropriate site for development? (20 points total) <br />B. Project Feasibility (30 points total) <br />Scoring Criteria <br />i. The applicant must submit a sketch plan that includes the findings of the due <br />diligence as well as a proposed lot layout with dimensions. (10 points total) <br />ii. Anon-binding, but professionally competent project feasibility budget must be <br />submitted using the following worksheet. (Use current dollars, not inflation- <br />adjusted dollars). (10 points total) <br />Total Acrea e <br />Pro'ected # of units <br />Pro'ected type and tenure of units <br />Pro'ected income tar etin distribution <br /> <br />COST ESTIMATES Total Per Unit <br />Requested land banking award <br />Total land cost <br />of total land cost from bond funds* <br />Soft Costs <br />Infrastructure Costs <br />Subtotal/Developed Lot Costs <br />of total develo ed lot costs from bond funds <br />Unit(s) Construction Costs <br />Other Costs ( lease specif ) <br />Total Costs <br />* Leveraging is required. This percentage must be less than 100% for the project to be eligible <br />for a Land Banking award. <br />3. Anon-binding, but reasonable project timeline must be submitted using the following <br />worksheet: (10 points total) <br /> Be innin Ex ected Com letion Date <br />Land Ac uisition <br />Pre-develo ment planning <br />Infrastructure installed <br />Construction <br />Final project completion <br />