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Commissioner Crowther emphasized that he hopes that a certain amount can be earmarked for <br />parks instead of lumping it in with everything else and noted that the Innovation and Efficiency report <br />recommended a budget advisory committee. <br />Chair Carey noted that they hope to have a similar process to what they had in 1988 to help guide <br />the way for a successful bond issue. <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to the referendum for expanding the use of the district tax <br />and noted that if the County shows that everything can be funded by the County, where does that leave the <br />district tax. He feels it is very important to educate the public on the Statewide Bond Issue and the <br />referendum on the district tax. <br />John Link said that his staff will work with the school systems to address the shortfall during the <br />early years while maintaining the one cent for park and school land. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to (1) <br />authorize the staff to proceed with the appointment of a citizens committee to support the statewide bond <br />issue and (2) bring back some options on the park/school reserve and the shortfall for existing facilities in the <br />first few years of the plan. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to endorse <br />the general approach expressed in 5a without endorsing the details. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Efland Sewer Force Main Service Tap <br />This item was postponed to the next meeting. <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Horace Williams Planning Group Recommendations and How they Affect Orange <br />County Zoning <br />Vice Chancellor in charge of facilities and planning at UNC introduced the consultant Richard <br />Rigterink who made the presentation. <br />In 1994, the University began to plan for eventual use of its two large undeveloped tracts of land: <br />the Horace Williams property and ;the Mason Farm property. The report is included in the agenda materials. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the two aspects she feels the County need to focus on are the <br />transportation plan and the land use plan in the northern portion of the planning area. She feels it would <br />help Orange County if the citizens were given an opportunity to make comments on the plan. Mr. Runberg <br />said that he would be glad to set up such a meeting for public input. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to request <br />that a meeting be set for receipt of public comments with the County Commissioners invited to attend. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve those <br />items on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br />a. Establish Public Hearing Date on 1997 Schedule of Values <br />The Board scheduled a public hearing on the "Schedule of Values" for 7:30 p.m. on October 1, <br />1996 at the Old Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />b. EMS Transportation Agreement <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign an agreement between Orange County and <br />South Orange EMS and Rescue Squad, Inc. in regard to transportation by South Orange EMS and Rescue <br />Squad, Inc. <br />C. Resolution of Intent to Participate in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association <br />The Board approved the resolution as stated below which indicates the Board's intent to <br />participate in the Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association: