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AGAINST <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Willhoit) <br />Commissioner Willhoit said he voted against this item because of the equity issue. He feels <br />that the County Commissioners have the responsibility to provide school facilities and that such facilities <br />should be funded from the County's general fund. He asked that the CIP be updated to include the <br />assumption that the statewide bond issue will pass in November. John Link indicated that this will be done <br />and presented at a future meeting. A resolution will be developed using option 5 for financing school capital <br />needs. <br />VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br />VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to approve <br />those items on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br />A. APPOINTMENTS <br />Youth Services Advisory Commission <br />Sabrina Garcia was appointed to an unexpired term ending 9/30/97 <br />Louise Anderson was appointed to a term ending 9/30/99 <br />Chapel Hill Library Board of Trustees <br />Bonnie Davis was appointed to a term ending 8/30/98 <br />Chapel Hill Recreation and Parks Commission <br />James Dingfelder was appointed to a term ending 3/30/97 <br />Stella Maunsell was appointed as an alternate to a term ending 3/30/99 <br />Hillsborough Planning Board <br />Joel Brinkley was appointed to a term ending 3/30/99 <br />Hillsborough Board of Adiustment <br />Rod High was appointed for a term ending 3/30/99 <br />Triangle J EMS Council <br />Neil Batson was appointed for a term ending 6/30/98 <br />EMS Advisory Council <br />Gwyn Snowden was appointed to a term ending 6/30/98 <br />NOTE: The appointments for the Industrial Development Review Board Authority were moved to the end of <br />the Consent Agenda. <br />B. MINUTES <br />The minutes for August 5, 1996 were approved as presented. <br />C. AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE <br />JOINT ORANGE CHATHAM COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign this agreement authorizing JOCCA to <br />provide services specified in the contract to improve the health of minority populations in Orange County <br />communities under the coordination of the Orange County Coalition. This Coalition involves the Health <br />Department, the Cooperative Extension Service, the UNC-CH School of Public Health, Piedmont Health <br />Services, JOCCA, and several community-based organizations. <br />D. THE UNC-CH SCHOOL OF MEDICINE FOR ITS DEPARTMENTS OF FAMILY <br />MEDICINE, OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY AND PEDIATRICS <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the renewal agreement between the <br />Health Department and the UNC-CH School of Medicine for its Departments of Family Medicine, Obstetrics & <br />Gynecology, and Pediatrics.