Orange County NC Website
139 <br />ORDINANCE TO PUBLIC HEARING <br />May 24, 2004 <br />Bold = New Language <br />Proposed Deleted Language <br />An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of Orange County <br />Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange, North <br />Carolina, that the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br />Section 1. Amend Section 8.8.17a.2 a). (Page 8 -24) to add new language to <br />read as follows: - <br />1. On existing towers or other structures; <br />2. On utility poles; <br />3. On industrially- or commercially -zoned properties; <br />4. On agricultural land; <br />5. On a stealth facility; <br />6. At another location not identified above as priority 1, 2, 3, er 4, <br />or 5. <br />Section 2. Amend Section 6.18.5. (Page 6 -25 -n) to revise the existing <br />language to read as follows: <br />The Plan wi4 assists providers in their search for suitable locations <br />to build their service network. The County may has developed the <br />Plan, with accompanying (maps� and appendices, which would <br />display locations within the County's jurisdiction where property <br />owners have expressed interest in allowing construction of <br />telecommunications equipment. Information that maybe is shown <br />on the base Plan wilt includes: existing towers, tower sites in <br />neighboring counties, two -mile buffer around each tower, <br />major electric power transmission lines, County- defined Natural <br />Areas, historic properties, properties with archaeological <br />potential, scenic corridors, tower - related bird mortality <br />information, , <br />Voluntary Agricultural Districts, and publicly -owned or quasi - public <br />lands. In all cases, an interest in allowing the placement of <br />telecommunication equipment on the property /properties shall have <br />been expressed in writing. In order to participate in the MTP all <br />owner(s), or their legally binding representatives, shall submit an <br />application on a form prepared by the Planning Department and <br />meet the following guidelines: <br />a) Information to be provided. All telecommunication <br />providers who elect to construct facilities on properties in <br />the Plan shall provide all necessary and requested <br />